Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Dont know about Y'all but I'm sure enough ready for winter. It is my very favorite time of year. We dont get much snow here some winters so when we do It is a treat.
I was remembering one very cold winter when I was about eight yrs old. It was a very wintry like winter but still not much snow. If there was no snow we didn't get out of going to school. The school wasn't very warm then so we had to wrap up good and keep our coats and scarves on in the classroom. We didn't have water or bathrooms in the school either. We had to carry these foldup cups in our book satchels and get a drink from a big water tank at the high school gym. Well I guess you know we loved that. Getting out of the classroom and going for a drink whether we were thirsty or not. Teachers took us and we lined up for a drink then we went way down below the grade school and lined up at the outside toilet. A one seater so we wouldn't be in there visitin' and dwadlin'. At recess we were free to go to the bathroom as long as the teacher knew where we were. And thats why Brenda and I were in that old toilet when It started to snow.
We were still not supposed to be in there together, but we were. It was cold outside and at recess we wanted outside so we ran to the toilet, locked the door, and sat down on the floor. We were cross legged playing jacks. We must have used up the 15 min. recess but when someone pulled on the door I , thinking it was just someone with the need to go, said , JUST A MINUTE PLEASE. Now wasn't that polite? Well now that might have worked on one of the girls( but then probably wouldn't have) but it didn't work on Miss Hogan. Nope, sure didn't work!
Clydene you come out of there, and you too Brenda. Well how the heck did she know we were in there anyway? Who told? Just wait till I find out, just wait!!
We jumped up and started gathering up our jacks (which were mine by the way) A new set with a multicolored ball with sparkly thingies in it. Brenda bumped me and i dropped my pretty ball. It bounced a couple of times and landed right smack dab in the one hole in the room, (the toilet) Making a sickenin' sploshin' sound. BRRREEENNNDDDAAA! look what you done now! I didn't do nuthin'. Yes you did. GIRLS, Come out of there this minute, it is snowing hard and the buses are loading. Now come on right this minute!!! Whooppee, Brenda wer'a'goin' home, lets go. Unlock the door Clydene. OK. Which I proceeded to do. BUT, I couldn't get the thing to unlock! It was one of those slide locks and no one ever really locked it , they just had a friend to watch the door. The reason being that the dad burned thing was so hard to undo. Yep! Brenda help me, we will both pull on it. Pull on what? Durn it Brenda, help me pull this thing'ma'jigger' over. We tried and tried but it wouldn't budge. Miss Hogan we yelled together, we can't open it. Oh My goodness girls, what have you two done now? When this is over you are both going to get a paddling. (Miss Hogan talked real proper like don't ya know). I'll have to go get the janitor girls, I'll be right back. Let me tell you right here and now , We were panicked big time. Clydene the bus is going to leave without us, Brenda blubbered. Oh My Brenda, Miss Hogan will forget us. Oh no!! We peeked through the cracks and snow was falling fast and pilin' up on the ground. We were gettin' sooo! cold.
We sat back down on the floor and huddled close and got real morbid like. Clydene 'sniff slobber' I'm sorry I lost your ball. Oh Brenda thats ok 'sniffle' I don't need it now. Wer'a'gonna freeze to death, I love you Brenda. 'snot' sniffle' blubber'. I love you too Clydene. 'snot blubber' wipe tears. Bye Brenda! Bye Clydene. Now we were bellerin' wailin' and 'brayin' like two wounded donkeys.
Listen Brenda, is that the bus leavin'? We peeped through the cracks again and there it went. They left us!!! They really left us!!
Now we really come un-hinged. We were screamin' so loud that we didn't hear someone at the door, or hear the boards splittin' in to. or know the door flung open. Someone took us by our shoulders and gave us the biggest hug we had ever felt in our lives. We were pulled up to a warm body and let me tell you we thought we were in heaven.
We looked up in to the face of the most beautiful sight we had even seen in our lives. IT WAS MY DADDY, and he never had been so beautiful to me before. Never!!! I didn't know how my Daddy had shown up but he had and he looked like an Angel to me. I can still feel that wonderful warm fuzzy feeling right now. My Daddy, my Angel, My hero!!!
Daddy took us to the car and we were off toward home. We found out that when it started snowing Daddy had headed out to the school. He didn't trust that bus with us. Nosiree. Not my Daddy. He had pulled into the road in front of the school just as Miss Hogan started up to the High School to get the janitor. Miss Hogan told the bus driver to go on. Daddy pried the door loose with a crow bar and rescued us. When we got home we were wrapped and coddled and warmed up. Boy did that feel good.
Oh yes, we got our paddlins' at school and at home but it didn't really hurt. I suspect it wasn't supposed to hurt. Could be wrong but I dont think I am. NOPE!! Best parents that ever walked the earth. YEP! Sure nuff' were. YEP!!!