Wednesday, December 30, 2009



My Best Valentines Day
Oh my how we kids looked forward to Valentines Day in school. On the Friday before the big day we all got to have a party in our room and we could give and receive valentines. Each teacher would get a big box and decorate it real pretty, cut a slot in the top and we got to drop our cards in when we got to school that morning. In younger grades Mothers mostly got the cards ready for us and we never thought much about it except we were having a 'party' on a school day.
I think my third year was the one where I wanted to make my own cards out. I was starting to 'claim' (what we called it) a little boy in my class. Cutest little guy you ever laid eyes on with the sweetest smile you ever saw. Why By George my little 8 yr. Old heart fluttered every time I saw him. Trouble was all the girls in the class had the same crush on him.
I was determined that year that my Valentine to him was going to be the best Valentine he had ever received in his life. The prettiest, the most colorful, most glittering card in the store. Yep I was going to be the girl to win his heart all right. I was sure of it.
I got my bubble burst though when Mamma told me I needed to make my Valentines this year. “Clydene I'm sorry but we just couldn't buy them. We don't have enough money this year”. Oh My Gosh, I just knew my life was ruined. “Mamma I can't take home made cards to school” I wailed. “Clydene I know how you feel but it can't be helped and I said I'm sorry. Your Daddy is sorry too. Don't make him feel worse than he does about it”. That did it. I would never want to do anything to hurt my Mamma and Daddy. I just decided I wouldn't go to school that day, I'd say I was sick. Mamma saw through that one fast and another bubble broke. Mamma had gotten some red paper somewhere. I think it was on a Christmas package someone gave us. It was all shiny and beautiful. I sure wasn't very keen on the idea but I went along hoping that somehow I'd get out of having to take those cards to school. I didn't want to disappoint Mamma so I decided to just go ahead and do the best I could. With Mamma's help we cut out red hearts from the pretty paper. Daddy could take white paper and scissors an cut pretty things like magic. He'd fold the paper, make a few slits and there you go, snowflakes. I had some school glue in my book satchel. Daddy made some figures standing in a row with his magic scissors. We cut them apart and glued one on each valentine and I wrote the name of my classmate on that. We glued the snowflakes on, and I think some other stickers my Brother who was 4 got to stick on. Don't know where Mamma got those. I was beginning to feel better about my Valentines.
On the big day I proudly dropped my cards in the pretty box and waited. I can't remember how they were handed out but they were. I was looking around for someone to open mine. Someone said, “This aint no valentine Miss Hogan”. Oh no I thought, Oh My no. I wanted to get up and run away.
Miss Hogan went and took the home made valentine and said, “Why this is the most beautiful card I've ever seen Clydene. Class look, Clydene made this all by herself. Isn't it pretty”. She held it up to the light and indeed it was pretty. Everyone started ohhing and awing, and I was on Cloud nine for a while. What made it even better was the fact that the teacher announced that we would all make our cards next year, and “Now kids wont that be fun”? Oh yeaw oh boy yes it will.
That is the Valentines Day I remember most in my life, when a home made card that my whole little family was in on making was the hit of the day. (Thanks to Miss Hogan


12-29-09...A TRIBUTE

A tribute to Miss Whitley
and other barren women
She gathered up her partners
and down the road they trod.
Their bare feet gliding smoothly,
ore' tough terrain and sod.
No certain destination,
was even in our mind.
We just took off together,
Yep! Had plenty of time.
We anticipated our first stop,
Twas just around the bend,
and up on the next lane,
the house there on the end.
Where was a sweet old lady,
she was alone and sad,
And her lot was not to be blessed,
with kids like others had.
We knew that when we stopped there,
she'd always say “Come on in”.
And through that summer long,
we went and went again.
She served us cake and kool aide,
she called it evening tea,
Her face would light with smile
as she served my friends and me.
She claimed us all as her kid'o's
and when we'd start to go,
she'd say “now don't y'all forget me”,
we'd say “oh my no”.
That school year brought new wonders,
and I'm ashamed to say,
we forgot about that dear lady,
and when I got home one day.
Mamma told me that our friend, had quietly passed away.
We all trouped in to say good by,
when they laid her to her rest.
And vowed to her we'd never never again,
forget her, she was the best.
I still think of her often,
though more than 50 years have passed.
And now in my later years,
I can feel her pain,
when her little troupe of kid'o's.
Left to never come again.
Clydene (Thomas) Overbey

Sunday, December 27, 2009


12-27-09...THE AGE GAME

When I was 12 I just couldn't wait to be a teenager. I thought I would really be something then. In my teen years I found out it wasn't as great as I had thought so I started looking forward to 21. Now that's when things will really get good I thought. Lo and behold when I turned 21 I discovered that this was not good at all. I had more responsibilities and things were not near as easy as I thought they were gonna' be.

After my 20's I started thinking that things just had to get better in my 30's. I'd known people in their 30's and they seemed to have everything. A home and a family. Yep that's when things get better, has to be.

On my 30'Th birthday I turned in to a blubbering, squalling mess. Oh my goodness my life was half over and what in the world had I done but wish for the next decade to come. I called everyone who would listen and blubbered and snotted but got nary a bit of sympathy. Now I was really in to living and I didn't know how yet.

Then came the fourties. I just seemed to muddle through those fourties by the skin of my teeth. Some bad things had, and did happen to me in my fourties that made me long to have my teens back.

In my fifties I blubberd and bawled a lot again. Heck fire my life was really half gone and then some. But I had learned a lot. I had born a lot, and I was still there. I had stood my ground never letting life get me down. Oh I got down but I had learned how to get up and go again.

Now in my 60's I look back and know that I would never want to live any decade of my life over. I've got now and that's all I expect. In just five years I'm gonna enter my 70's. ,Lord Willing ,and I don't even wonder what the 70's are going to bring for me. Sometimes I do wonder if I will get to see my 70's, 80's, 9o's etc. but I don't worry about it or wish for it to hurry and get here. Each decade of my life so far has had up's and down's, heartbreak, and joy. Not one of them has out done me. I'm still going. Isn't it a shame that it took me so long to come to that conclusion? Life has a way of teaching us what is important and what is not. My age don't mean a hill of beans when all is said and done. The only thing I'd wish for now is to be remembered fondly. I Pray I will be able to leave a good legacy behind and that I have made someone else's life a little better. YEP!!!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


12-24-09...ROY FAY SNIDER

Roy Fay was his name. Most towns have a Roy Fay but very few towns takes care of him the way Altus did. From as far as I can remember Roy Fay was a permanent fixture in Altus.
Roy Fay had always been homeless as far as I knew. He lived on the streets of Altus and pilfered food out of the stores garbage. Once he got hold of some spoiled bologna and cheese that Seamans Store had thrown out. Someone found him on the street near death from food poisoning. The Dr of the little town took him in his hospital and pumped his stomach out saving his life. Doc was a man who would say anything that popped in his head. After Roy Fay recovered Doc told him he had "cheese fever and bologna fits". That stuck with Roy Fay and from then on if he heard anyone was sick he would declare they had "cheese fever & bologna fits". Everyone had that malady if Roy Fay knew they were sick.
Roy Fay could spell one thing SPE- Double E. I don't know where he got that, someone probably had said that to him and it stuck. Every word that had been invented was spelled, SPE-Double E.
Roy Fay would declare to anyone who would listen, I'm getting' married next Tuesday". Yep in his mind he was getting' married next Tuesday, aside from the fact that his future wife was non existent.
Roy Fay was fascinated with ambulances hearing them often. He would say there had been a bad wreck in Russelville.
He had a wagon that was pulled by a a very large horse named Tony and a smaller mule named Judy. He used them to plow gardens for a lot of people. He charged a 'hunnert' dollars to plow your garden. No one ever cheated him. They paid him well. To have cheated him would have made you not very popular for miles around, indeed so unpopular to be a candidate for a tar and feather episode.
Shortly after the food poisoning the Harbottle family took Roy Fay in and he lived there until both Mr and Mrs. Harbottle both passed away. After that a group was formed called friends of Roy Fay who cared for him.
When I was 18 I went to work in Pillstrom Nursing Home (formerly Pillstrom Hospital). I worked on the 3/11 shift. I had to put all the patients to bed after supper. I weighed about 100 lbs. Roy Fay came every evening with a bucket to pick up the scraps for his hogs I think. He also got to eat. We had our supper together and then that dear man would go and put the biggest one to bed for me. He would just pick them up like you would a baby and lay them in bed. He was a life saver to me. The Administrator was a family friend and she hired me but she told my Mamma that she didn't think I'd ever be able to do it. Well when Mamma told me that I made it my business to prove her wrong. Without Roy Fay I would never have made it.
I remember Roy Fay fondly and I'm not the only one. Lots of people loved Roy Fay.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009



Grandma had a lot of little pearls of wisdom that she shared with me whether I wanted them or not. Mostly not!
She would say,”It's just as easy to marry a rich man as it is to marry a poor one”. Or “If you swallow vinegar you'll spew out honey”. HUH?
“Watch out your face is liable to freeze that way”. “When you have a bump on the end of your tongue that means you've told a lie”. Now that one gave me cause for worry. When I would actually get a bump on my tongue I'd start trying to figure out what lie I had told. I figured I was caught for sure.
My Parents seemed to be able to see through me. I could never hide a thing from them. But Boy Howdy did I try sometimes. Seemed I was an expert at getting in to something and getting my “tail in a spin” (another of Grandma's sayings.)
One day I guess I didn't have anything better to do so I decided to get in to something. I had to think on it for a spell but I came up with something. I was going to hide something from my Mamma and have fun when she missed it. But What could I hide? Let's see, Hmm?
I decided her hand mirror was the thing she would be looking for. I took the mirror off her dresser and ran in my bedroom to find a spot to hide it. I put the mirror under my mattress and went about my business. Later I guess I had forgotten all about it because I sat down on the side of my bed and heard, snap, crackle, pop. There was no such thing as that cereal that did that then so I knew it was Mamma's mirror Oh My Gosh, Oh My Goodness, What am I gonna' do now. I'm in big trouble this time. My little joke had gotten out of hand fast. YEP!! I thought I would take the mirror back and put it on Mamma's dresser and just act like I didn't know a thing about it. Well it was broken worse than I thought it was so when I picked it out from under the mattress glass flew in all directions. I cut my finger on a piece, stepped on a piece and cut my foot. I took what was left and did succeed in laying it out on the dresser, and I got out of there fast. I never thought about the blood I was leaving behind. Well Mamma saw that blood before she saw the mirror. ( I THOUGHT SHE DID). “Clydene how did you cut yourself?” “Heck I don't know Mamma, musta, stepped on some glass”. “Well if that's the case then you had it in your hand because it is cut too.” “Yep, That must be what happened all right”. “Well Clydene, was it the mirror on my dresser that you cut yourself on”. “Heck no Mamma, I never touched that old mirror. I don't know how it got broke”. “How did you know the mirror was broke Clydene”? Well for Heavens sake, How in the world did she do that? She had me backed in to a corner with no escape. Now I swear guys, That darn bump wasn't on the end of my tongue before. But There that sucker was now as big as you please ready to tell on me. The jig was up, my butt was on fire, and I was sooo mad at Grandma for thinking up that bump thing in the first place. Good Grief. Can't do nothing without everyone knowing it around here!!! Heck Fire anyway. YEP!!!


12-23-09...DOWN BUT NOT OUT

I wrote this for a couple of teenagers whom I had the bad luck of running in to in Wal Mart one day only about three months ago. My mind is slow and I had forgotten this until I saw a show on TV about out of control teens this morning.


I'm sixty five, I'm over the Hill.
I've lived a lot, got more to go still.
I'm made from good stock, been there done that.
When it comes to life, I know bout' that.
So young person, when you look at me
you see wrinkles, it's laugh lines to me.
I may sag and bag here and there,
and aches and pains I've had my share.
My eyes are bad but I can still see,
just exactly what you think of me.
When I'm in a line ahead of you,
I hear your sighs when I'm slow to get through.
I see you young man when you roll your eyes,
I know what you're thinking, cause you see I'm wise.
My shoulders may be stooped , I may puff and groan.
My steps may shuffle as I go along.
As you go through life at your fast pace my dears,
Never knowing me, never seeing my tears.
You might break my heart but you can't break my will.
I've been here a while, will be a while still.

Clydene Thomas Overbey



“I might look crazy but I aint no fool.” That was a line I had in our Junior play. That just reminds me of how someone can get too big for their britches fast. It never ceases to amaze me the self worth some people can put on their selves. Daddy used to say their noses were so high in the air that they would drown if it rained.
When I moved to Idaho I got a job as Food Service supervisor in a Nursing home. I had the credentials, I had the diploma, I had everything except the right home state. My accent was a source of humor to them. I had to learn what they ate in that place before I could write the Menues. One Big headed nurse set out right away to throw me off. She didn't want to have to cooperate with me because she thought I was a stupid hillbilly with beans for a brain.
She just couldn't get used to me being in charge of the kitchen and having authority over her in Food Service. She was always trying to get me in a tight that I couldn't get out of. No Way Sister you've messed with the wrong one now. I caught her holding an old ladies nose one day to make her swallow her food. I said, “Betty you could strangle her to death doing that.” She looked at me and said, “Why don't you go back to Arkansas where you belong”. Now guys My head steamed up till I thought it would pop. It wasn't what she said that had me disturbed, but what she was doing. I was not going to let her strangle an old woman to death. I said, “Betty if you don't take your hands off that lady I'll take it off”. She paid no attention to me. I'm so glad that someone else had gone to get the supervisor and she showed up right then because I would have taken her away from that lady or have died trying. She was fired on the spot. I was not proud of myself or happy that Betty lost her job but it just goes to show you that the mightiest always fall the hardest.
I don't mind someone laughing with me. But when some big nosed bitty starts making fun of me and laughing at me I don't like it. And isn't it just the way of things. She was trying to get rid of me because she thought I was stupid and she was the one who had to go. YEP!!!



I was in a store a while back and saw something that I never would have seen in my time. There was this Mother with her two kids. The Mother looked like she was about ready to pull her hair out. She was not dressed in the finest but her two teenage daughters were. What made me want to pull some of their hair out was the way those smart elec girls were treating their little Mother.
In the first place they were ashamed of their Mother and they let her, and everyone else around them, know it. Every time she said something to them they would roll their painted eyes and look at her like she didn't have a lick of sense. They were correcting her grammar and giggling about it.
There was something they wanted to buy and each wanted one. The Mother didn't have the foggiest idea what the thing was. (I didn't either) She was trying to tell them that they could get one and share because she couldn't afford two of them. She was near tears and they were tearing in to her like snakes with their venomous words. “ Oh My God I hate having an old lady like you for a mother.” “You don't know anything”, “No wonder Daddy left you”. “I hate you”. Are just a few of the things they were saying.
I hurried around to the next aisle to escape this but I could still hear them. I was thinking, If that poor lady don't box them up aside their heads I'm just tempted to do it for her so I'd better just get on out of here before I wind up in jail.
There were others who were just as aggravated as I was but we were helpless to do anything.
A lady standing beside me said “That's abuse of an older person if I've ever seen it”. I said “I know it and I think I'll just call a cop and see what they think about. I wasn't going to do that of course but I wanted to shut those girls up and give that lady a break. One of the girls said, “If you don't do what I want I'm leaving and you wont see me again”, “ME Too” the other one said. Just when I thought I couldn't hold it back anymore and I was gonna' box them both into next week**** POP POP. That little old lady slapped the heck out of those two right there in the store. Then she very calmly said, “Bye girls, I'll miss you”. Whooppee!! I started clapping my hands and a bunch of others did too. We started giggling and the table was turned on those two. They were following behind their Mother like two little puppies with their tails between their legs. Sometimes good does win out over evil by golly.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


12-21-09...YES I'M READY!!

Christmas is upon us and I've had so many ask me if I am ready. I tell them “Of course I am ready. I stay ready for Christmas”.

Since I have no kids or grand kids to celebrate with Christmas means a different thing to me now days. The main thing is seeing family that I haven't seen for a while. There is always a few of these scattered around.

Christmas is a day of enjoying a meal with people that I love very much. After the meal I so much enjoy sitting all together and having coffee or hot chocolate while we reminisce with family about days gone by. I love talking with my Brother about our childhood Christmas's.

Christmas is the time of year when we bring the memories of ones who have gone before us. We bring them in to our celebration and feel their presence more strongly than any other time of the year it seems.

Christmas is a day of love and togetherness, of warm hugs and warm hearts. It is a time when all problems, worries, and burdens are laid aside for a while.

Most of all Christmas is celebrated for the Birth of Jesus Christ. That's what it is for and what it is about. No more No less. The gifts are just something extra. For some it is Santa. I had Santa in my childhood. It was a magical time that I will always treasure. My parents told us that Christmas is Jesus' birthday but Jesus always wants us to have the gifts

God Bless You Mamma and Daddy for giving me the true meaning of Christmas along with the magic of the season.

May the Peace and Love of Jesus surround you all this Christmas. Remember to think of those less fortunate than you. God Bless You

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



I got a catalog in the mail one day and set down to look through it. Just a wish book because I wasn't going to buy anything. It was a Christmas book and boy did I ever wish! I got to noticing how they are reviving things from the past. Simple things then but with a huge price attached now.Remember Chenille robes that ladies all used to wear? And Chenille bedspreads? That was the only kind of bed spread or robes I ever remember having then... Well here they were in this catalog. Just brought back so many memories. I thought Boy I'd love to have one of those now. I almost fell off my chair when I saw the prices. Good Grief, they were much higher than any other bedspread or robe in the book. Mamma had a blue chenille robe and I can still feel it next to me as I snuggled in her lap. Is that another way of ripping us oldies off? Could be.Next thing I saw was as set of those bubble lights that were on the Christmas trees then. We never had any but my Aunt Georgia had a set of them and I was just fascinated with them. Different colors all bubbly. I'd love to have a set of those. But again they are called nostalgic pieces. ( Whatever to heck that means) $35.00 for a string of those things. No Thank you. I can't afford them but just looking at them gave me a warm fuzzy feeling as I remembered sitting by Aunt Georgia's tree and watching those bubbling lights for hours it seemed.Things are just not as simple or joyous anymore for me and I sure miss those nostalgic times. Don't you?


12-16-09...I'VE DONE IT AGAIN

When I was a kid and did this to myself twice and also did it to my Brother I excused myself, well sorta'! But I am 65 years old going on 10 and there just aint no excuse anymore. Nary a one. Nope!
I've been needing a hair cut for several weeks now and just haven't felt like going to the hairdresser. The one I use is the only one who understands my kinky, frizzy, hair as she has hair just like mine. She is way out in the country and I'm getting chicken about driving anywhere out of the way anymore.
I got up one morning to a mess of what looked like barbed wire covered with hair. It was as hard to comb as that would have been also. I thought (that was my first mistake thinking) heck I'm going to at least straighten it up a bit. You know a snip here and a snip there. What made that not work was I was snipping anything that stood out wrong . If it stuck up, snip, if it stood out, snip, if it wouldn't lay down, snip, snip. Heck I was getting snip happy real fast. I'd watched how Carol did it enough times that I thought, (there's that word again) NO PROBLEM!!! Well! There was a problem as I soon found out.
I stopped for a while thinking (yep thinking) that I had done a pretty good job by golly! I washed it good and put mouse on it so it would stay in place and was on my way to other things.
About an hour later I went in the bathroom for obvious purposes and just happened to look in the mirror. OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOODNESS! What happened? What in the world is wrong with me? Am I stupid or something to think I could do this. Didn't I learn my lesson before? (Oh you betcha I've done this plenty of times over the years)!
I'm thinking' (there it is again) now let me see, maybe I can fix this before anyone sees me. So here we go again. Now let me tell you if I had just left well enough alone right then Carol still had a chance of fixing' it. Oh but heck no not little big britches. Nope!
I started again and you noticed I left the thinking out this time. Why the heck think, that was getting me no where fast. Good Grief!!!!
Now just let me say I plan to wear a hat or a scarf for a couple of weeks because I aint' got enough hair left for Carol to fix. I look like a partially peeled onion. I am just sick over this guys. If any one of you would like to kick my backside it is already sore cause I fell on it yesterday so one one kick won't make that much difference. I'd kick myself if I could. I took my picture and was gonna show y'all what I done to myself. You'll have to kill me to get that sucker!!!! YEP

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


12-15-09...A RED NECK BATTLE

I had my washer going this morning early and had gone in the bathroom to get dressed. I started hearing something that sounded like someone was trying to open the door to the bathroom. I was about half dressed and I panicked. After I got my breath I hollered. Who are you and what do you want? I heard it again and I really came unglued. I was thinking Why isn't Moses barking for Heavens sake. He barks every time he sees his own shadow but now when it would be useful he clams up. I'll bet he's out there licking this murderer's hand. Boy Now my mind was spinning 90 miles to nothin'.
I got to thinking that I needed to get my clothes on and get myself covered just in case he (in my mind a he) gets in here. Oh My Gosh, even if I get myself dressed what then. During all this thinking I was still hearing the noise but now it sounded like a swishing gurgling racket.
I decided I'd better just get my bluff in and let that sucker know who he was dealing with. When I get that attitude and my red neck pride rares up I lose all sense of being scared. I'm ready to attack I'm thinking. I needed something to attack with and by golly my Daddies hammer in on the shelf where I keep it. I'll just open the door real fast and knock his brains out that's what I'll do by golly. He's gonna learn not to mess with me. By the way I still wasn't dressed completely but I had forgotten that little fact.
I got the hammer and crept up to the door. I didnt hear anything, Ok here I go!!!
I tore open that door and had the hammer ready to smash his brains out. Well heck fire there aint nothing there he must have got scared and run off. About that time the sound came again and by golly this time it was behind me. How the heck did that sucker get behind me? Good grief. I jumped up as far as this ol body would jump, turned around to swing the hammer. The hammer went behind me somehow and I tumbled backward right on my backside from the force of the swing of that heavy hammer. Well, Might as well surrender I was thinking cause I'm not sure I can even get up off the floor.
As I sat there defeated I heard the washing machine do one last slurping sound as it pumped the water out and heard it gurgling in the bathroom along with the slight bumping in the pipes. Oh My Gosh, I've never felt so stupid in my entire life. I was doing battle with the washing machine as it pumped out the water and started to spin. Mercy sakes alive!!! I am so glad that Don was not here. GOOD GRIEF!!! YEP!

Friday, December 11, 2009



Mamma told me many times over the years, “Clydene the older you get the faster time goes”. Boy oh boy was she ever right.

But when things are going good that's when time seems to fly. Time only slows down when problems come up.

When I was a kid I used to wait anxiously for some event and think it would never get there. When I was 12 I wanted to be a teenager. Boy Howdy I thought that would be the greatest thing. I figured that when I was a teenager I was going to be at the top, the very pinacle. My Uncle heard me say one day how I couldn't wait to be a teenager. He said “Clydene don't wish your life away”. I thought he was just silly. I sure know now what he meant.

One day I told Mamma, “You are so lucky. You can do anything you want to. I wish I was old”. My Gosh you'd have thought I had comited a crime or something the way she acted. Good Grief. I thought then that my Mamma and Daddy were the smartest people on the earth. I thought they knew everything, they were my heroes. There came a time then when I thought they were the dumbest people on earth and I knew everything. I was a teenager going on 25 and no one could tell me anything.

Next came the time when I 'Was' grown up and out on my own. It didn't take me long to start running back to my parents with my problems and thinking maybe they were smarter than me. I was looking up to them again and starting to see what they had sacrificed to bring me up out of my know it all stage to someone who needed my Mamma and Daddy again. I still figured I was grown and knew a lot but I was beginning to realize that I would never know everything.

Now I have come full circle. I'm old and really on my own. Not a spot to envy by any means. Mamma and Daddy are gone and I miss them. I know for a fact now that my Parents were the best they could be. They made me what I am and they are still in my heart and soul guiding me. Everyday something comes up that makes me remember thinking I was going to grow up and be perfect, know it all, and be my own boss. I still haven't achieved that and I know I never will. One Thing I do know for certain is My Mamma and Daddy had a job raising me. Heck they still have to grab hold of me sometimes and say, “You're getting' too big for your britches Clydene. You aint old enough yet to know everything”. Yep Mamma and Daddy You've sure nuff got that right.

Thursday, December 10, 2009



I've told you about BoJangles. When I had to have him put to sleep I went looking for another Pal to love. I went in to a Pet Store and there was Caspar. White and fluffy with his tail curled back over his back. It was love at first sight and that went both ways. It was winter and it was cold. Caspar was only five weeks old. That was too young to be adopted out but the shop was in it for money. He was very gentle and I didn't hear him bark for a few weeks but boy when he came out of his shyness he was a white tornado.
I guess because of his young age and it being winter Caspar got pneumonia. The vet kept him two days and cared for him. He was still sick but I bundled him up and off we went. It was a while before he got over that but he eventually did and the white tornado was blowing again.
Caspar chewed everything he could get his teeth on. Everything except his toys ,that is. He had a basket for his toys. He would get one or two out and play with them then go and jump in the basket, put the toys back, and jump out with more. If it was his, he protected it and took good care of it. MY STUFF? He ate my stuff. I had almost lost him and I was very reluctant to correct him so he got to be a little white terror.
When Caspar was 11 months old he went to bed one night and never woke up. I don't know what happened. He was frisky and healthy when I went to sleep but sometime in the night something happened. Vet was puzzled. He thought maybe it was something like the sudden death syndrome like happens to Babies sometimes. Whatever it was it really threw me for a spin. I felt horrible. I would say if only I had done this or that. Someone told me I should never have got him in the winter. I don't know about that but it was hard on me that Christmas.
Some will not understand this but my pets are part of my family and I love them. They are loyal to be and love me when people might not. I have had a dog in my house as long as I can remember. I will as long as I'm able.



I love Christmas. Not gifts, lights, or pumpkin pie necessarily but the thoughts, sounds and smells that are so familiar at this time of year. There are traditions of my childhood that I have never let go of. I can still see in my mind all those special things just like I stored the pictures in my mind for future use.

By Thanksgiving all the summer things had been stored away. I'm not referring to clothing either. I'm thinking of the fruit closet full of all the things Mamma had gathered and preserved for the coming cold. The garden that Daddy had laid by and left ready for the spring planting when things would turn green and grow. The hog was butchered and the meat made ready to keep through the winter. New chickens that had hatched in the early fall and raised in a big box with a light in it for warmth. were now ready to be in the pen with the others. They began to lay their eggs in time for Christmas if the hatching had been at the right time.

Christmas wasn't even thought of until after Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving had its own special things for my remembrance.

We didn't usually ask for anything because we liked the expectation of the surprises that we would have on Christmas Eve night after Church. Sometimes not much but treasures to us. We took good care of our treasures because we didn't get new toys every time we got in to town. Our gifts were always special whether they be a set of jacks for me or a sack of marbles for Norman or something more substantial or more costly. We appreciated what we got.

Christmas was a magic time of Santa, oranges apples and nuts. A cedar tree with very few decorations, family around, cooking and baking and just enjoying.

Christmas today is a long drawn out affair that starts about Halloween. (which is not a holiday to me. I don't recognize it at all)

Thanksgiving is passed by and Christmas lasts two months or more. I'm not a scrooge but I can't get that magical feeling until about three days before Christmas day. It is just not the same for me. I just quietly Celebrate Christs Birth. No frills, no lights, no big dinner any more. I enjoy staying home with my memories and look again at all those pictures I have stored in my head.

And that's the way it is for me!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


12-9-09...NEVER THE SAME

I've never stood where I stand today,
though alike it may seem.
I never had the same thoughts,
nor dreamed the same dreams.
Everything is different that seems the same.
No one is the same as before.
The same troubles never return,
to knock upon my door,
Everything was swept away
as dust upon the wind.
And I leave it there where it belongs,
because I know, that around the bend
everything is new, nothing remains the same
although I wish it could.
Not yesterday--- not tomorrow, they are but clouds,
just winnowing from where they stood.
Today I stand and face what is, not thinking of other times,
when things were new and fresh as Spring,
Winter not brought to mind.

Clydene (Thomas) Overbey


12-8-09...DR GIBBONS

The very first Dr I remember going to in my very young years was Dr Gibbons. Now he was quiet a sight. Very tall and kind of bent over with age probably. He had a lot of silver hair and a handle bar moustache. I remember thinking he had the longest feet I'd ever seen. He smoked a pipe and it hung out of his mouth the whole time. He never laid it down. Wonder what people would say about that now? I loved the smell of that pipe. When he got too old his Son stepped in and he also smoked a pipe.
I was scared out of my gourd of him. I mean shaking scared. His office was way up high. I don't know if it was second or third floor but I do know there was no elevator and it seemed like hundreds of steps up there. It was a very narrow passageway dark and musty. Hard to walk up there if you were well and almost impossible if you were sick. I remember my poor parents carrying me and Norman up those steep stairs and wonder how the heck they did it. As I look back I just can't conceive of me having to walk up there now. How in the world did older sick people manage?
Remember those big long sticks Dr's stuck down your throat to hold your tongue down? I hated those things. Every time Dr Gibbons came at me with one of them I'd start fighting his hand. He was gentle and calm with me and soothed me down but I still hated gagging on that thing. He looked at my throat, my ears, took my temp, and listened to my heart. Then he would go back in to a little room and rummage around for a while. I knew what he was doing and I knew what it meant for me. He had his own Pharmacy in the back as lots of Drs did then.
When he came out he always had the same three things, (at least thats how I remember it) There would be a small white envelope with tiny pink pills in it. A bottle with something pink and milky in it, and another bottle with red medicine in it. Then I would usually get a shot in my hip. OUCH! Usually said it was a cold. I never heard of the flu then. Hmmmmmm!
A girl my age had polio when she was very young. She wore a brace on one of her legs (Still does) and that leg looked like a stick to me. Very thin. I would look at it and I just kept thinking that Dr Gibbons would try to put one on my leg. Well by golly if he did I was going to fight him like a tiger. Girls wore dresses then, never pants, and the brace was there for all to see. I didn't want that and I wondered why my friend did want it.
It cost 5.00 to go to the Dr then and that included the medicine. My Goodness but things have sure changed now. YEP!



Mamma died just before Thanksgiving six years ago. I lost the best friend I ever had or ever will have in this world. Sometimes I want to talk to my Mamma so bad it hurts. I want to sit on her lap like I did when I was a kid or have her put her arms around me and say Its Ok, Don't cry. When everything was falling down around me Mamma was there. I guess I figured she would always be there for me. After she was gone I was just lost.
Two mornings ago about 2:00AM in the very quiet time, I was lying in bed crying. I was hurting, I couldn't take any more meds. for five more hours. I had been up earlier and my BP was way up again. Well heck fire, what now I thought. I just might as well give up and try to get through the best I can from now on.
"Clydene I didn't raise you like that! Now that is enough of this stupid stuff, Straighten up"!!! (Now please, if you are poo,pooing this and you are skeptical, Please stop reading right now). The words were plain to me, In My Mind? That doesn't matter because I heard my Mamma say this just like I had heard her all through my life saying it. I had been wanting and wishing I could talk to my Mamma. Well my Mamma was talking to me just like she always did. I actually flinched expecting a peach tree limb to sting my legs that's how real it was to me. I saw a shadow of my Mamma standing sideways to me, her hair was in the style she always wore. Nope I didn't see her face and she was gone as fast as she came but she sure made me stand to attention just the way she always did.
So yesterday morning I got up and said to myself, My Mamma didn't raise me to whine and whimper, and by golly that is enough of being stupid. I'm going to straighten up fast and give myself an attitude ajustment. I'm going to think postive and move even when I think I can't. Next time Mamma might actually use that peach tree limb on me. YEP!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009



Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I've heard that many times over my life. I'd imagine you have too.
This morning I deleted all the hurtful things of yesterday and wiped the slate clean. At least that is what I have tried to do. Yesterday I learned things that will not allow the same consequences today.
Today I face life with a new clean slate knowing that today will never return.
So today I will live happy. I wont know about tomorrow and yesterday blew away in the dust. Today I will defy obstacles in my path and trust that even with them I can still succeed. I will not hurt or harm anyone purposely. I don't put out what I don't want myself. I will greet everyone I meet with a smile even though I feel like crying. Maybe someone will give me a smile back. I know I've said this before but bear with me because my Dear wonderful Daddy instilled this phrase in me while I was still young and innocent, “Honey laugh so you wont have to cry”. I've been doing a lot of that lately. It has been a very hard time for me but I know there are others who have worse times.
One of my first Sunday School teachers told us, “Live each day as if it was your last day”. That stuck with me even though I have not always followed the advice.
I remember Mamma saying many time when I'd be miffed about something, “ Clydene don't ever go to sleep mad at anyone or with someone mad at you. They might not be here tomorrow.
What ever you think your problems are, they may be bad or tragic, but they are not ever the worst thing that could happen to you. Someone is always in worse shape than you are.”
Sometimes I really need to be reminded of this. YEP!

Saturday, December 5, 2009



With Christmas so near how I long for the old time Christmas' like we used to have. When Richard was growing up we kept Christmas just the way it had always been to us. It's all we knew.
Our Christmas tree didn't go up the day after Thanksgiving either. We had a live cedar tree. I just thought that was the way it was, and by golly it was. Since the tree was fresh from the outdoors of course it had to be far away from the open flame of our little heater.
On the 23rd of December We went and got a cedar tree. Did you ever smell cedar inside your house? I still associate that smell with Christmas. Daddy brought it to the front porch and trimmed it up nice. Cut the base of the tree with an angle he said. That way it can have a drink of water and not dry out. Then Daddy set the tree down in a 3 gallon lard bucket and filled more rocks in to make the tree stand up sturdy. Of course we were 'helping' all we could. Dirt was put in on top of the rocks and tamped down. Norman and I would then scamper around to hold the screen door open while Daddy and Mamma carried the tree in and put it in the corner where it was always placed for trimming. Oh My Oh My what fun it was to trim the tree. No blinking lights and balls and fancy stuff like that. We had one string of lights with seven big bulbs. Red, green, blue, orange, yellow, another red. The 7th bulb was white. The white one was fitted into a silver star on top of the tree. We usually had decorations that Norman and I had made. Sometimes we had a package of silver 'icicles' and some stuff that felt and looked like spider webs that was, artificial snow. Mercy that stuff was messy. I can still see that tree.
We got to turn those lights on that night and again on Christmas eve night. By then it was starting to get dried out and shedding all over the place. Stepping on a cedar twig bare footed aint a good thing. Its like stickers. The tree was taken down on Christmas evening and all the mess cleaned up. The clean up was never as much fun of course.
Christmas eve night we all went to the little Church across the tracks and had our Christmas program. There was a huge cedar tree set up on the stage with lights. I remember it had some bubble lights. Oh how I loved those. I was just fascinated with that colored water bubbling up when it heated a bit. Santa was there and handed each of us a gift from under the tree plus our stocking with an orange, an apple, and some Christmas candy Our Parents had put the gift there of course. I remember one year I was so afraid that Santa would forget to come to my house after he had already been at church. But always when we got home 'Santa' had been there and we had gifts under the tree. There would be mixed nuts in a paper bag that Daddy would set down there and crack with a hammer on a rock for us. Daddy could sit with his feet flat on the for and his knees up under his chin for long times.
What we got was always practical things like clothes that we needed. I got a doll most years and Normans thing that I most remember was cap pistols. There is a picture of Norman and I setting on the ground with our legs stretched out. He was holding my little red purse and I had his cap pistol. We ate just what we always ate. Usually had Chicken and dressing. Nothing fancy, just nourishing food. Mamma made the best Southern Pecan Pie you ever wrapped your lips around!!! Yummy!
So there you have it. A Simple Christmas. The kind of Christmas I am longing for right now. YEP!

Friday, December 4, 2009



My Daddy used to call Brenda and I the Bobsey Twins. Nope I don't know where he got that name for us but he only called us that when we had been mischievous. That says a lot.
I was talking to Brenda on the phone a few days ago. When we talk it always goes to the subject of when we were growing up together. Brenda, her Brother Paul. Me, my Brother Norman.
Thinking back I know we thought those two were our toys to play with when they were small. As soon as they got big enough to follow us around Daddy started calling them burr' heads'. So there you have it The Bobsey Twins and the Burr heads.
One day when they were about two and three Brenda and I were dressing our dolls. I don't know which one thought of it but we decided it would be more fun to dress 'Real' dolls. Yep! You got it! Norman and Paul became our “real' dolls. Oh Lordie Me!!!!
We put some of our dresses on them. I said “Brenda, Mamma has some petticoats that ought to be put on. We got two of Mammas petticoats out of her drawer in the chest of drawers . While we were in there we were eating a sucker and Guess what? Yep we dribbled all over Mammas undies.
We knew we had to hurry because every time we played in there Mamma would just keep peepin' in on us. We got on the dresser and sprayed sumptin on them. Don't know what it was but I suspect it was something to clean with cause' Mamma never wore perfumes and stuff like that. The only thing she had was a small tube of lipstick that she put on lightly when she went somewhere special,(which was very seldom). We painted their lips and put some of that stuff on us too. Ruined the lipstick because we put the lid on and scrunched the stuff down.
“WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE Y'ALL DOING!!!!! Good Grief I thought, she didn't havta' holler so loud. Nere busted my ears! The four of us scrambled to attention as fast as we could. Norman started bellerin' and I told him to Shut Up. “YOU SHUT UP CLYDENE”! That was Mamma sayin that so I shet up fast. We were waiting patiently for the storm of all storms. Mamma told us not to move an inch, I mean not an inch! I'll be right back.
“Oh Gosh, were a' gonna get it now”, I said. From the other room came, “DON'T EVEN TALK”. I was thinking 'shoot fire' I think we'd outta go out that door there and run as far as we can away from here.
We heard Mamma coming back so we snapped back to attention. Heck fire she went and got sumptin. My mind was running wild about what that sumptin was and I'll bet the other three were thinking on those same wave lengths.
When Mamma came through the door she had the most beautiful smile on her face I think I've ever seen. She had Grandpas old black box camera. She herded us out in the yard and took two pictures of us. Now who would have thought Mamma would think we were too cute to spank? Never figured that one out till my Richard did some similar things. Mamma's are just like that I recon. YEP!!! I have looked for that picture in Mamma's pictures ever since I talked to Brenda but it is not here. Oh My How I wish I could see that picture again!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009



Friday nights in the winter was our fudge parties. Brenda and I would be at one house together. Sometimes Mamma and Auntie had to pool their stuff so we'd have what was needed for the fudge.
Now this wasn't the fudge like we all make today. Nope, We didn't know there was any kind but what we made.
We'd assemble our stuff all on the old kitchen table. The recipe was on the Hershey's cocoa box. We used a big skillet to cook it in. Now this was not like the skillets we have today either. It was a skillet that used to be used on wood cook stoves. Had a long handle that did not get hot. The one we had was bent to heck and everything run to the center as you cooked it. I don't know why that particular skillet was used but it always was.
In the skillet went sugar, (three heaps) milk, dash of salt,& some cocoa powder. Now don't turn the burner on yet. First get that big ol' white platter. Spread a dollup of butter out on it and set it back on the table. Get a saucer and put a little cold water in it. Set the vanilla flavoring by that and some more butter. (Now let me explain, this is not what it stated on the can but how we talked to one another as we assembled it all.)
Now get the ingredients in the pan mixed real good and turn the burner on low. There was a container hanging on the wall near by that had yellow flowers on it. That was the match box holder. You had to strike a match on the side of the box, turn the gas on a smidge and stick the flame to it till the burner lit up. Quiet a production. The stove was white enamel with green stripes. Yep, Really! There were four burners. It sat up on four legs. The oven was on the side and it was big. Just threw that in for good measure in case some of you don't know what we cooked on then.
Now there was a teakettle of water always on the back burner with a low flame to always have hot water. The water stand had a shelf on bottom and there were two dishpans for washing and scalding dishes. Well Heck fire I done went and got sidetracked on all that, better get back to the fudge.
Now came cooking. It was definitely not five minute fudge. Bring the ingridients to a bubblin boil stiring constantly. Reduce heat and cook till a smidgen of it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water. Yep! We dropped so many balls in there that the water in the saucer was brown. We knew it wasn't done but we liked to eat the cooled stuff outta' the water. YEP! We usually had it running off the table. Now when the perfect soft ball was formed, remove from heat, add I teaspoon vanilla and a dolup of butter. Take turns beating it with a wooden spoon until mixture thickens up a bit and don't look so shiny. Pour in the buttered platter and spread out good. Get a spoon and test it till its cool and hard enough to cut with a knife. Eat all that off the spoon you tested it with. YUMMY!
You can't have a big piece till your mess is all cleaned up. That's where the hot water and the dishpans come in. Oh My Gosh was that stuff good!
Now if you guys were listinin good you outta be able to make the best darn fudge you ever wrapped your mouth on.
Good Grief but I'm hungry!!!!!