Tuesday, March 31, 2009


3-31-09...JUST A PENNY?

A few weeks ago I was in a store. This little boy and his Mom were in front of me with a cart. The little boy dropped something and it rolled back towards me. It was a penny. He turned and was coming back to pick up his penny. What his Mom said curled my toes. "Come on Robbie it is just a penny". I wanted to shout at that young Mother, "Oh honey please don't teach your child that a penny has no value". But of course I couldn't do that. What I did was pick up the penny and hurry after the crying little boy and hand him his penny. "Here honey, save this penny until you get some more then you can buy something". I was afraid the Mom would tell me to mind my own business but when the little boy stopped crying I saw relief on her face and she thanked me.
When I was growing up I dropped my penny down in the toilet one morning. I ran and told my Daddy and he got a shovel and dipped it out for me. A penny meant a lot then and I realize that is not the case now but several pennies will buy a small boy something. I hope that Mother learns so her kids can learn that everything has a value. Oh how I would loved to have been able to tell that Mom something to help her. It just breaks my heart to see how some kids today do not have the advantages I had growing up.
I was taught right. And sometimes that don't count for much with others. I was called Goody two shoes often in school but I stuck to what I was taught. That was how it was because my Mama and Daddy said so. What about that little boy and many others like him. A penny dropped may be a dime, or a quarter next time. I shudder to think.
One day Brenda and I had walked to Parks store. I dropped my nickel on the way and absolutely could not find it. We looked and looked but the nickel was gone. I was upset but Brenda said she would share her nickel with me. Losing a nickel was a big thing with me and I was devastated. I asked God to help me find it.
We walked on to the store and just before we went in the door I spied something sticking out of the rocks. I dug it out and it was a dirty nickel. Now I could have just walked on in the store and spent the nickel. But I didn't. I knew what I had been taught about that. I (reluctantly I must say) took the nickel up to the counter and handed it to Hall Parks and told him I had found it outside. He took the nickel and tossed it down on the counter and went about his business. No Thank You or anything. Just took the nickel. I was hurt and confused. I had done the right thing so why did it hurt so much. I ran out of the store crying. Brenda came too. When we got home we told My Mama about it. She cried too but she told me how proud she was of me because I had done the right thing. When Daddy came home he reinforced what Mama had said. He held me and bragged on me till I was fine and went on my way. Many years later I found out how Mama and Daddy really felt about what Hall Parks had done. I had done the right thing and they were very proud of me. BUT! Hall had done the wrong thing and they were both steamed at him. I also found out that they both told him in no uncertain terms what they thought of what he had done to me. I also remember finding a penny at the store later and Hall Parks gave it back to me and Thanked me and told me I was a good little girl. Did he mean what he said? Heck no (I found that out later too) but my Daddy was standing there and I think he knew he'd better not keep that penny. YEP!
I learned a good lesson from all that. Do what you know is right but don't always expect for others to recognize it. Nope, everyone didn't get the kind of raising I did. I'm sorry for them. YEP!



Memories are what we draw on to remember people places and times in our life that made us either happy or sad. I choose the happy ones especially on a day when I tend to be sad or down about the things of now. Life was so simple when I was growing up. Probably due mostly to the fact that my Loving Parents took care to make me happy and protected. I just didn't know things were hard. That is a gift my Parents gave me that can never be replaced. That warm, safe, feeling loved, and wonderful youthful feeling. My Parents gave my Brother and I that and I will be forever thankful to them. We had everything we needed and often some of what we wanted.
I am sure that my Mama and Daddy had arguments and little hurts with one another but they were very careful to not let us see that. They always presented a loving peaceful atmosphere for our home.
We lived at the end of a dead end road right beside the rail road tracks. Trains came through and because the crossing was just up the way they blew their mournful whistle right in front of our house. We got used to the sound and usually never paid any attention to it.
In the late 40's and 50's was when I grew up here. Things were so different then. It was 60 + years ago and our world was different and more simple. We made our own fun down there. My Auntie lived right across the Pasture and my cousin Brenda and I had so much fun. In and out of capers.
We didn't know about the harsh realities of life in the world that surrounded us but somehow we were prepared and ready for it when it came.
We were spanked when we needed it and we always seemed to know that we did need it. We were loved, hugged, cuddled, and given a secure feeling even though things were bad.
Daddy worked in a coal mine and was gone all week. He worked hard and the work was dangerous. But he provided for us. We were proud of our Parents no matter what.
My Brother and I were taught love and respect for each other as well as for everyone else around us. Daddy said often, "You are as good as anyone in the world. But you are not better than anyone else".
Our Parents were there for us as long as they were alive. At times now I can feel their presence all around me and I still want to make them proud of me. They gave us a rich life filled with everything we needed to make places for ourselves in this world. We are still simple people. Not much money but we are happy that way. Don't need more than we have. We never wanted what we couldn't have and still don't.
I owe all that I am to those two wonderful people who brought me in to this world and loved me unconditionally. I miss them so badly sometimes that it hurts. Oh how I'd love to have them to talk to sometimes. My best friends in this world.

Saturday, March 28, 2009



Does anyone remember the clothes line? I'm sure many of you do. If not then you probably wont enjoy this.
I remember first washing the clothes on a wringer washer. Now Mama washed the clothes with a rub board in a iron kettle before we got electricity at our house. I can barely remember that but I know Mama was pregnant with Norman and she had to reach out because her belly wouldn't let her get close to the kettle.
When she finally got the wringer washer I know she was sure she was rich. The wringer washer was hard to use too. Water had to be drawn from the well, heated on the stove, and poured in the washer. Then there were two rinse tubs, one warm, one cold. The cold water had Mrs. Stuarts bluing added to it to help keep the clothes white. The washer was then started and it would agitate the clothes in the home made lye soap that Mama had melted and poured in the water. Now folks if you want clean, fresh smelling, and white clothes, this is the only way to really get them. SOOO! Not possible today. Mama got her hair hung in the wringer one day but thats another story for another time.
After the clothes were wrung out of the bluing water they were carried to the clothes line to be hung to dry. Mama had an apron that Grandma had made especially for hanging clothes. The whole front had a deep pocket to carry the clothes pins. Mama had already took a wet cloth out and walked the length of the three lines washing the line. Some people had fancy plastic but ours were wire. Kinda like barbed wire without the barbs. The washing was done on Monday, always. Why? Heck I don't know, but everybody washed clothes on Monday. YEP!
Now back to the clothes line. Everything was hung in proper style. Meaning, sheets in the front to hide the undies on the middle line. Towels and wash rags were hung by the sheets. Back line was for our colored clothes so the sun wouldn't bleach them out in the hot summer. Shirts were hung by the tail, skirts were hung by the waist. Dresses were on hangers with a clothes pin to hold it on the line. Women and girls undies were never hung by mens and boys undies. Oh Heck No, just wasn't done.
The clothes were watched closely from the kitchen window making sure birds didn't poop on them, (mostly an impossible task) dogs didn't chew on them, and mainly that they stayed on the line. If the wind was blowing you had softer clothes. If the sun was bright (especially in the summer) you had whiter clothes. In the winter they would freeze dry on the line. Yes they really would. A threat of rain? Shoot the clothes had to be hung anyway. If they were dry when rain started you hurried out and brought the clothes in. If not, you waited till rain stopped and they got dry. If it rained too long the clothes were brought in and hung all over the house. You NEVER! Left clothes on the line overnight. Just not an option. Why the neighbors would call you lazy. Can't have that. I really believe that people watched your clothes line to see if you had anything new, holes in your drawers, whether or not you kept your sheets clean, etc. And if you left clothes out overnight some neighbor would come running the next morning to see if someone was sick. They were really concerned, not nosy.
The last thing about hanging your clothes on the clothesline was that wonderful smell they had. No fabric softeners can imitate that smell. It is indescribable. No way to duplicate that smell and no way to describe it unless you have experienced it. I hope you have!



I was sitting in the quiet predawn this morning and started thinking about when I was learning to drive. Oh My Gracious, what a catastrophe that was. I still cringe just thinking about it. Just was a good thing that I had dirt roads to learn on and hardly ever any traffic.
Daddy had let me sit on his lap before my feet would reach the pedals and steer the car. Of course it was a standard transmission. No automatics then. All I really learned that way was steering and Daddy did the most of that. Daddy worked in another state in a coal mine so I asked Mama to let me drive one day. We were going to Parks Store. Just had to go up to the end of our road, turn right and go a very short distance and you were there. The road was wide and straight. Shouldn't be a problem you would think. But with me at the wheel, and Mama, who couldn't drive worth a lick, as my Teacher, It was an accident waiting to happen. Yep!
You could hear me to the next county stripping gears every time I tried to shift. Once I even got it in reverse instead of second gear. People were stepping out of their houses to see what the heck was making all the noise.
Now Mama was a nervous wreck before we got to the corner. She was wringing her hands and saying, "Lord help us, Clydene, Oh my gosh Clydene be careful". I think it had slipped her mind that she was supposed to be showing me what to do. She was just going berserk. We got to the end of that road and it was more slowing down, screeching the gears and getting ready to turn right. Did I say right? Yep should have been right, but I turned left. Yep sure did. "Clydene what are you doin'. Where you goin', Oh my gosh, Lord protect us. You are going the wrong way Clydene, you gotta turn around". Mama was frantic and no use to me right then. Heck fire I knew I had to turn around didn't I? Sure I did. Daddy told her later, "Lucille why didn't you just make Clydene stop and you get under the wheel"? Guess she never thought of that. HE HE Now I loved and do love My Mama with a deep love and I would never have told any of this while she was alive out of respect for her, but she never did get to be a good driver. I'm expecting her to slap my jaws any second right now! Bless Her Heart of gold.
Anyway back to my story. I can't remember being scared, can't remember speaking a word, and by then I wasn't hearing Mama anymore. Isn't that the way it is with the young? Now I feel my skin prickle even thinking about it. I managed to pull in to a wide driveway and get turned around with screeching of gears and jerking both our necks almost off with the sudden stops and the hunching along of the car as I changed gears. Heck fire I was on my way again. Whoppee I'm drivin', Yep just look at me world, I'm drivin'.
I screeched in to Parks store just barely missing the gas tank out front and coming to a stop right next to a fence. Heck, That was good driving wasn't it? Well wasn't it? I figured I was ready to take the highway now. Yep! Course I was set straight on that one real quick like when Mama regained her equilibrium. YEP!
Mama had forgot what she was coming to get at the store but thank goodness she had me with her cause I remembered. OH SURE SHE WAS Lucky.
I went in and got the things Mama needed came back out and got under the wheel to go home. Hall Parks came out of the store and gave me some instructions. Heck, now that I think about it, I never saw Hall drive. He didn't even have a car. I drove the same way home with only one mishap. I drove into a shallow ditch and gunned it right back out and roared on home. Mama was jumpy all evening and she never again let me drive. I was 13 then and I didn't really learn to drive till I was 18 and married. But that is another scary story which I'll tell you later. YEP

Wednesday, March 25, 2009




A few weeks back I saw those tell-tale little signs of a dreaded mouse in my house. Euww, I don't like those little critters. They just give me the creeps. I put out some poison to rid myself of the pesky little things and went about my day. I continued to see the signs so I set a mouse trap under my sink. Now that is a major accomplishment for me. Just as I started to set the thing down it threw and scared the pants off me. That happened several times. After I had done the Watusi around the kitchen and shrieked and hollered I finally got the darn thing set.
During the night I head the pop of the trap as it threw. I went back to sleep thinking. By golly I got that critter now. When I got up the next morning I very cautiously peeked in to the cabinet. The dang trap was no where in sight. Now what in the heck happened to that dang thing, I thought. Heck I'm gonna' hafta' take all this stuff out so I can see where that blamed mouse drug the trap. But my gosh what if I accidentally touch that durn mouse. Oh No, I aint gonna'do that. Heck No I aint puttin' my hand in there. Got the broom and stood back as far as I could and did a few swipes around in there to move things outta' my way. Well heck that aint workin' either. I knew I had to find that thing and get rid of the dead mouse because it would be stinking soon. I looked out the window and there on the deck was a small shovel. Shoot fire, I'll just scoop everything out. I got the shovel and did just that. I found the trap allright but no mouse. Nope! It had thrown the trap, stole the cheese and gone on its way. Dad blamed thing anyway. Well I'm sure not gonna' be outsmarted by a mouse. No siree. Watch out you little critter cause I'm getting mad now. I set three traps in different places having the same problems and doing the twist this time, but I did it finally.
Next morning two were thrown and the cheese was gone. But what got me was the third one. The cheese was gone. That sucker got the cheese without even throwing the trap. Heck fire if I breathe on the dang things they throw.
I regrouped, put the traps outside, and put out more poison discovering that that darn mouse had cleaned the poison up too, Good Grief. I'm feeding that thing!!!
I stopped seeing the droppings for a few days. Well, I guess it got too fat and aint' hungry any more.
One morning I got up way before daylight. I started my coffeepot. I stepped on something in the floor. It was soft and it squeaked so I figured it was Moses toy. It startled me but I went on to the bathroom.
I came back later to get a cup of coffee and there in the floor in plain sight was the dead mouse. I started backing up and at the same time I tried to run forward. I stepped on something that squeaked. It was one of the dog toys but I thought MOUSE!! I jumped up and down and tried to scream. I said tried to scream because no sound was coming out. I was so flustered that I guess I forgot how to scream. I stood right there and wet my pants. YEP SURE DID!! Then I did the watusi, twist, and jitterbug all rolled in to one. I was sliding by now in the wet floor.
Well I got to the bathroom, showered and put on clean clothes. Came back and finally got my coffee, then went to my recliner and sat down. Took me a while to come down out of the twilight zone, but when I did I realized Don hadn't woke up. So he don't know what happened and he aint gonna know. NOPE!
So folks that is my horror story for today. I wasn't going to tell anyone. I told you and I hope you can keep a secret.YEP!
By the way when Don got up he said you got the mouse with the poison. He picked it up and threw it out just like I knew he would. YEP! Problem solved!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009



There they sit side by side
Grandma ans Grandpas old rocking chairs.
Holding nothing but memories good and bad
lots of laughter and lots of tears.
They are old now, the paint is cracked,
Oh how they squeak when moved.
The memories they hold are a part of my life.
On the floor is the rockers grooves.
I used to sit there on Grandpa's lap
listening to the stories he told.
And in Grandma's lap I ate cookies
she'd baked in the old wood stove.
They rocked together over the years
and took life in its stride.
Then came one day one rocker grew still
and Grandpa was ever more sad.
We went each day even after we grew
with families of our own.
Then the dreaded day came both rockers were still.
My Grandma and Grandpa were gone.

Clydene Overbey 1985



I have another Aunt who I call Auntie. She is Auntie Joy and she is my Mamas sister. She looks a lot like my Mama. Since my Mama passed away Auntie has been my Mama. She will tell me the right thing just the way my Mama did and chastise me if I goof up. Aunties daughter Sharon is one year younger that I am.
Now Sharon and Brenda are not one bit alike. Where I got Brenda in to trouble, Sharon got me lots of spankings and bested me a bunch of times while we were growing up. Her mind was quick and to the point.
I remember one day Sharon picked a bunch of flowers out of our yard. We were not supposed to pick the flowers, I knew that and Sharon knew that. We were not very old but we did know picking the flowers would get us in trouble. Well Sharon picked them and knowing that she would get caught she handed them to me. Yep, I took them and started off toward the house. I figured, Heck fire Sharon picked them I wont get in trouble. Right? Wrong! Mama saw me with the flowers and spanked me. Yep, sure did. I said "I didn't pick em' Sharon did". Well it was straightened out and Sharon got a spanking too but heck fire I got one first.
Then there was the day we each had a banana to eat. We were out under a tree munching on them bananas. Sharon ate hers fast and I still had over half of mine. Sharon said, "Clydene lets play like you ask me if I want a bite of your banana". "OK", I said. "Well ask me if I want a bite of your banana" she said. "OK, Sharon do you want a bite of my banana"? "Yep sure do" she answered. As she was answering the play like became real cause she grabbed my banana and ate it all in one bite.
My Auntie Joy and My Mama both took care of us when they were together just like Mothers do. I remember going to stay at Sharon's in the summer for a few days. It was way out in the country just like where I lived except farther out. I loved to go there and have Aunties Chocolate gravy for breakfast. Yummy! They had it every morning. Auntie would make me a chocolate cake too. Scrumpdidilicious!!! I was watching her one day and noticed her butter was white instead of yellow like ours. Right there I decided I didn't like Aunties white butter and wouldn't eat it . I waited till I got home and asked my Mama how come Aunties butter was white. She said the type of cow Auntie had made the butter white. Heck fire I didn't get that at all. Just wasn't a gonna eat that ol' white butter. Of course those good chocolate cakes she made had that white butter in them but I didn't know that.
Aunties husband Coy raised peanuts and popcorn. We could go in the barn and husk some popcorn to take inside for my Auntie to pop in a big iron skillet. Boy howdy was that popcorn good. Just knowing we had got it right off the cob ourselves. Not many kids today would understand that, If any.
Then there were the Peanuts in the barn to dry. We were not really supposed to get in to them but we did of course. We ate so many of them one day that we were both sick that night. We never told about eating the peanuts though. I kinda think they were not ready to eat.. You know, Green peanuts?
I didn't get to see my Auntie Joy and Sharon as much as I did Auntie Ethel and Brenda but we had lots of fun when I did. Auntie is still living in the same spot she lived then only in a big new house. I still love to go visit my Auntie Joy. It is like going home again almost. Sharon lives not far from Auntie but is sick and I don't see her very often. But the memories will always be there. Yep. I was blessed in my childhood with wonderful Family all around me.

Sharon and I on ol' Dixie

Auntie Joy


Mother (MAMA)
3-23-09...WHAT IS A MOTHER

A Mother is*** The ultimate earthly love.
A Mother is *** Commissioned by God Above.
A Mother is ***Gods helper number one.
A Mother is **** What our lives become.
A Mother is *** Teacher Nurse Friend.
A Mother is **** Our protector till her end.
A Mother is*** molder of our souls.
A Mother Is *** Director of our goals.
A Mother is *** our upholder here on earth.
A Mother is *** The first to see our worth.
A Mother is **** Maker of what we are.
A Mother is *** One of Gods shining stars.
A Mother is *** The one who'll stand alone as our Guardian
Till God calls her home.

Clydene Overbey

Mother is a precious word, her worth is hard to find
She's Godly and so precious, I'm always on her mind.
Her Love is un-ending, un-compromising, un-shaken
Always there when I needed her, with her I'm not forsaken.
She carried me in her womb, later in her arms.
Picked me up when I had fallen, Brushed me off and sent me on.
Mama wiped my tears and quited my fears,
and watched me as I've grown.
Kissed me good night, made everything seem right,
Mama would never leave me alone.
So I can't forget to hold her dear, after her many years on this earth.
I'll be there for her as she was for us
from the time she gave us birth.
Mother's are Gods helpers to mold us in our youth.
God gave me to her, to raise for HIM, instill in me Gods worth.
Mama raised me for God, He was her guiding hand.
I'm loaned to Mama for a little while
Mama is Gods Angel in life's plan.

Clydene Overbey

Sunday, March 22, 2009



I washed your sweet face and kissed tears from your eyes.
Let you do some things while I sat and cried.
I doctored skinned knees and cooked favorite meals.
Only a Mother could know how it feels.
I watched you grow and guided your first steps.
Had to turn loose when you no longer needed my help.
I baked a million cookies and poured the pop.
As long as I lived I never wanted to stop.
I sat many nights beside you when you were ill.
Then Prayed my Thanks to God, you were once again well.
As I watched you cry or watched you at play.
I didn't think of the time when you'd be away.
I liked to watch your every move, catching you before you fall.
Choosing your friends for you.
The day I watched you go off to school, me crying like a fool.
Never knowing then that worse was to come.
I was to lose you for good, my only Son.
I still cry, but you are still here with me it seems.
You are here in my heart, You are here in my dreams.


God gave you to me to love and to keep.
For a little while but now I weep.
God took you back I can not ask why.
It was hard to accept but I must try.
I miss you so much, but you're here in a way.
You left Mama so much behind
like sweet things you would say.
Your smile is in the stars that twinkle in the night.
I see your sweet face in the sun smiling and bright.
I feel your touch in a puppy so fluffy and sweet.
Your kiss come on the gentle breezes that caress my cheek.
You are now Gods little Angel and safe in His love.
I"ll see you again Son in your home Above.

Clydene Overbey 1988

Saturday, March 21, 2009



I want to tell you about my day. It was a few days ago but still fresh in my mind. What started out as a normal day ended up in the craziest day I've had in a long time.
I got up bright and early, had my coffee while I checked out everyone and everything on The Hill. Just a usual morning for me. I had my day planned and a mental list of all I was going to do. That was my first mistake. Planning a day in advance always seems to run amuck for me. I know better than to try and be organized so why in the heck do I try it?
After The hill time I went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I got out the bacon and put 10 slices in the skillet to fry. Five for me and five for Don. I put another skillet on the stove with a little bit of corn oil and turned the burner on low. Put the bacon back in the refer and took out two big brown eggs. Very organized I'm a thinkin'. Saving steps and puttin' things away as I go. Just like my Mama taught me. Well I guess my nose was too high in the air from self pattin' on the back right then, cause I didn't see Moses's squeaky toy on the floor. I stepped on that sucker and it squeaked real loud. I threw up my hands and shrieked. Guess what? The eggs flew outta' my hands and hit the cabinets, dribbled on down to the floor and the shells wound up at my feet. Moses who is always at my feet got his share of spray. Now there is nothing in the world I hate more than cleaning up slimy egg. Yukky! But clean it up I did and it was scattered everywhere. Ok now I said to myself go get two more eggs. I hated to waste those farm grown big brown eggs but it was done now. Hey! I'm cool, I aint going nuts, or rantin' and ravin', At least not yet!!!
I got the eggs and very carefully brought them over to the skillet. Heck fire what is that smell! Oh no that cotton pickin' oil must be old cause it stinks to high heaven. Ok, no problem, I put the eggs on the counter and turn off the skillet. I'll have to clean it up later but right now get another skillet and put fresh oil in it from the new bottle I shoulda' used in the first place. Turned it on low and cracked the eggs in there to fry. I look over to my bacon and it has cooked so long on one side that it is stuck to the pan. Good bacon will stick if you don't watch it close and this was good lean bacon. I took care of that put some bread to toast, poured a glass of milk for me and a cup of coffee for Don. Heck I'm going now I thought and was beginning to feel real proud of myself again. Breakfast came out good and I had more coffee, got myself dressed and went on to the next item on my agenda which was stripping sheets from beds. I like to have fresh sheets and pj's and robe, the whole bit for bedtime. I hung my bedspreads out on the deck to air out. Boy I'm a gonna' sleep good tonight I thought.
My organization was going by the wayside fast though cause I was beginning to think I'd bit off more than I could chew in one day. My mental list was just too dang long.
By the time I got the beds all put back together nicely it was dinner time. Our noon meal is our big meal of the day and then snacking for supper. I was going to fix steak, potato salad, and broccoli. Well that didn't go well either, I made one mess after another but I wont go in to it all. Just suffice to say after supper that evening I was draggin' big time. I made my way back to The Hill for a while, watched some TV, then I was ready for a hot shower. But!!!! When I had put the last batch of clothes in the washer I had not remembered to put them in the dryer. My favorite clean sweet smelling PJ's were not dry. Well heck fire now I'm getting' flustered a bit. I had others but I wanted those to sleep in tonight. I put them in the dryer and waited for them to get dry. I was nodding now and my eyes were drooping on me. Didn't see how I was gonna' stay awake much longer.
Finally the dryer stopped. I got my pj's robe and underclothes and hurried in to the bathroom. Now folks here is where it gets really bad. I mean bad with a capital B and thats BAD. I usually put my night clothes on the closed commode while I am in the shower and that's what I did. Only trouble was , the lid was not closed on the commode. NOPE!!. My Pj's and my under clothes just soaked right on down in to the stool as slick as butter. YEP!!! Sure did! Good thing was I don't allow my toilet to go unflushed so it was clear water. I stood there stunned and watched this and then thats when I came unglued. I went totally berserk I mean off the wall. I was shaking and sobbing. Must not have been loud cause Don never even knew what happened, and if you tell him I'm gonna have to murder you in your sleep!!!! YEP!
I just got a trash bag and put the wet things in it dumped them in the washer, got more pj's and took a long hot shower. It was close to midnight when I got in bed but I slept like a hibernating bear. No one around here will ever hear this story so don't you breathe a word of it. OK

Friday, March 20, 2009



Grandma was always sewing,
Thats the way I remember her.
She'd set there for hours, her quilt box by her chair.
This box contained many scraps
of material she had used, to make clothing
for all of us, and she never got them confused.
She would say, This piece is from the dress
that I made for you.
This one is from a shirt
your Brother ruined when it was new.
This is from your Mamas skirt.
She still wears it today.
Heres one from the patches in your Daddies pants,
Then she would say,
This quilt will be a remembrance for you and me.
It contains a part of all of us.
What a joy its now to see.
Clydene Overbey

Grandma always wore an apron
Twas a part of getting dressed.
It was starched and ironed so neatly.
Never a crumpled mess.
She made her aprons lovingly
of scraps in her quilt box.
She put it on each morning
same as her shoes and socks.
that apron was a part of Grandma
she wore it everywhere.
My Grandma without her apron
Wouldn't be Grandma, Thats for sure.
Clydene Overbey

Thursday, March 19, 2009



Just a few of my thoughts on spring. These were published in 1993 in Gods Beauty, A collection of Spring.

I glimpsed a Robin outside my window,
Bobbing his head and trilling a tune.
I thought to myself, That little one
Is in my yard too soon.
For March winds are a blowing
Their crisp breaths all around that tree
where that little bird sits.
And the nip in the air feels fall, not spring.
Maybe he shouldn't be here yet.
Then I glance at my flower bed, covered with brown leafs,
under the oak tree where the Robin sings,
What do I see but little green heads,
struggling upward to be seen.
Green shoots of an Iris, a tulip, and a hyacinth,
that tells me Spring is indeed near.
That Robin knows where he is, it is the scheme of things.
No, that Robin need not have any fear.
Clydene Overbey

The sun is shining brightly, air is crisp and sweet.
Green grass is peeking through, brown leafs at my feet,
Yellow daffodils are blooming, tulips peeking out.
Birds are singing merrily, Spring just seems to shout.
Hummingbirds will be here soon, flinting back and forth.
They'll drink nectar from the feeders, hanging on my porch.
God gives us all this beauty, each year at this time.
Nothing man made on this earth,,,
Could compare to God's Springtime!!!
Clydene Overbey

I chanced to see a bird this morning,
In all its glory, perched on a branch.
I heard its trill upon the air.
And I looked to take a glance.
I said dear bird how can you sing,
such a beautiful song?
You sing in such a beautiful way,
and do it all day long.
He cocked his head to one side,
I think he was amused at me.
But he didn't need to answer for I knew.
God made him that way you see.
Clydene Overbey



When I was in the 7th. Grade I was transformed in to the big kid category. Grades seven through twelve were in the High School building. No Middle school in our little community. We left that white grade school building and went across the road to the Red Brick building that was Altus Denning High School. Now boy howdy did we feel big and important now!
The first day I went there I was a little bit nervous, or should I say scared to death? Yep! Somehow I knew I was not a big kid and I felt very intimidated by that building. Almost the same way I felt going in to my first grade except I didn't cry for weeks. Nope at least I was past the crying stage. Only difference now was I usually cried for madder'n'a hornet. Nope not a baby cry anymore. Of course I didn't cry that day. Nope! I was in the big girl school and knew I'd better act like it.
Brenda had already been up there for one school term and she said she would look out for me. Yeaw, right. Sure she would. She already had a boyfriend and her girl friends. Didn't really matter though because our little class of nine were not to be messed with. Heck no. We stuck together like glue for a couple of weeks. Even after that we were there for one another if needed.
We were rebels from the first. If the class before or after us tried to start a new thing we would just not go along. Heck no, we were different. And just cause there were only nine of us didn't mean we had to conform to a pattern. Nope!
That first day though I was scared. I got off the school bus in front of the school and there it was. Still hot at that time of year. Sun shining brightly and very hot. There were about five concrete steps going up to the double doors on the front. Kids were sitting all over the steps and on the side rails. No one bothered to get out of the way so I just stepped around and over and went on up to the doors. Course it didn't hurt none that Brenda got off the bus with me.
As we went in the doors the floor squeaked in several places as we walked. The floors were almost shiny bare wood floors. The wood was dark with age but they were kept clean by Coy watts the janitor there for I don't know how many years. I saw him sprinkling red stuff on the floors one day before using a long push broom to sweep. It was called floor sweep and you could smell the wax or oil in it. Coy was there all twelve years I went to school but I only saw him after I went to High School. Coy retired the year we graduated and one of the boys in our class got the janitor job. By golly Wesley retired from that job also.
When I walked inside the first day the sun was shining brightly. There was one big room with many desks that were connected together and bolted to the floor. There was a stage on the left side and the desks on the left side. That was the study hall and it was also our hang out before school started and at any free time we had. I grew to love that room. In front of me was a long hallway where I could see another door at the end. I remember the place was sunny and bright. On each side of the hallway were classrooms. On one side of the hallway were radiators which were used for heat. There was always a bunch huddled around those in the winter for warmth. Sometimes they would hiss a bit but we got used to that.
We had cubby holes on one side of the desks that we called lockers. No door on them just an open hole where we kept our books and other stuff. No privacy but who cared, we didn't have anything to hide. I did lose paper and pencils from time to time.
What was more amazing to me was we had indoor bathrooms. Yep we were in high cotton now by golly. The bathrooms were down in or by the boiler room. I never saw the boys side of course but our side was not bad at all and being by the boilers it was always warm.
Now those boiler rooms were where Coy Watts spent most of the day. I guess he had to watch the boilers. Anyway that bathroom was another hang out for us. We didn't realize that Coy was sitting on the other side of the wall and could hear every word we spoke. If we said something he thought should be reported he reported it. I was down there one day and an older girl was piercing my ears. Coy heard us and hurried up and told Miss Brasel. I had one ear done when Miss Brasel put a stop to it. Heck fire I went around for several years with only one ear pierced. The boys finally clued us in that Coy could hear us. The old coot! We wondered if the boys could hear us too but they said no. I'm still not sure about that but we couldn't hear them. I remember a boy called John. He wore real thick glasses and we kinda thought he was a little goofy. We finally got pop machines in the hallway and John was a big mooch. He would go around asking for a drink of your coke if you had one. One day a couple of the boys (boys from my class) Tommy and Jimmy to be exact, took an empty bottle down to their bathroom and peed in it. When John asked for a drink of their coke the willingly handed it to him. Yep! He took a drink of it and it cured him from mooching. Sure nuff did.
I graduated from that old red brick building and I have lots of good memories from there. Several years later they built a new modern school there. That would have been nice but they tore our old school down. When I heard about it where I lived in Missouri I was devastated. I was sad and I was mad. That day I cried those madder n' heck tears. I just couldn't see why they couldn't leave that building there. It could have been storage or something. I will never understand the logic in tearing it down. That building had been there for many years. Had been a college when it was built. A historic building to be sure. Torn down for progress. How stupid is that? They tore down part of my life when they destroyed that building. Wonder when they will try to discard me? Better not even try! The building is gone but my memories of it are still alive and well. I can still picture all those young faces as we passed through those halls and rooms. Such good memories. Such a big part of my life. Can't take that away from me. Nope! Memories are always alive and well.

Saturday, March 14, 2009




My Cousin Duane died yesterday morning. I guess we all start thinking about when our loved ones were here. Things they did, things we did. Things we should have done. We look back with regret on some things, but with joy on some of the things we remember.
I got to wondering why it has to take death to make us stop and think about the ways this person was a blessing to us.
When I was a child growing up Duane was there. Older enough that we just didn't really run in the same circles so to speak. He visited our home a lot then. There was Duane, his brother Curtis and another cousin Pat. We would be outside playing sometimes and here all three of them would come walking up the track beside our house. They had rode the bus from a nearby town down to Altus where they walked down the hill and on to our house. They would be there for a few days. They were good to us, sometimes teasing me to get my cat claws out but it was mostly good to have them there.
I have been reflecting on several things today. All three boys grew up and went in the service. Duane & Curtis in the Army, Pat in the air force. One time Duane was in on leave and brought me a red and white Teddy Bear. I was never any happier with anything than I was that teddy bear. I just loved it. Same with Curtis and Pat. When they were home on leave they always spent time at our house.
Of course the boys soon grew up and got married with homes all over the place and I went on about my life. I still saw them at family functions and they were around but it was never as it was when I was a kid. But then nothing ever stays the same does it? It again must take a death or something in the family to bring us all together again. There have been several of those times, too many of them in fact.
Pat and Curtis still live away but Duane came back home to retire. He lived in the same town just six miles from where I live now. Six miles that were traveled too few times. I see that now. Duane lived alone in a little apartment that I drove by over and over and very seldom stopped to visit. Oh I thought about it. I saw him at funerals or other family gatherings. I talked to him on the phone but didn't go by to see him. I'm sorry about that. Duane didn't drive in his last several years and had to get someone to take him places. I feel selfish now and I'm ashamed of myself. Curtis can't be here for his Brothers funeral because he is not able to travel. Pat will be here, I'll see Pat and I am promising myself that I'll be in touch with Pat and Curtis more often. Duane was right here ,six miles away, and I had the chance to see him but didn't. I was talking to my Aunt and she said something that jolted me to the core. There are not many of us left now. No there aren't many of us left and I plan to stop taking for granted that there will always be a tomorrow. I need to be a family member now, not tomorrow when it is too late. Mama used to tell me, "Don't put off till tomorrow what You can do today, Clydene. How do you know tomorrow will come". She was wise because she knew and she taught me that in fact there is no tomorrow. All we have is today. I plan to make the most of all my todays from now on. Hope You Will Too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009



I decided about five years ago that I wanted to see the house where I grew up again. My Daddy died in 1985 and Mama moved in to an apartment a few years later. I had not been back. The house no longer belonged to my family so I just didn't go. After Mama died I had such fond memories of the place where we were a family and I was growing up. I felt I just had to go there again. I needed to re connect with my childhood. The feeling grew so strong in me that I could resist no longer. One day I took my camera and decided the time is now, I must do this no mater how hurtful it may be.
In the first place everything looked so different on the way that I began to wonder if I was even on the right road. This just couldn't be the roads I walked and played on all my life. I missed the turn because I didn't recognize it. I was just so astonished by that. How in the world could I get lost in an area that I knew every inch of? This just couldn't be! I have to admit that I was getting upset and just a bit scared. I knew for a fact that the house was still there and surely they hadn't moved the roads! But by golly something was not right. What the heck is happening here?!
I drove back and forth for what seemed like hours. I was too stubborn to turn around and get out of that odd place. Besides I was so lost by then I didn't even know how to turn around and leave. Oh My! I can't believe this. What in the world is wrong here? I didn't see a thing that I was familiar with. Nope! Not a cotton pickin' thing!
OK I thought, I have to get back to the railroad crossing and start over. But where in the heck is the rail road crossing? Shoot fire! now this was getting ridiculous. I was born here and raised here. Been in and outta' here millions of times or more. By golly I know that house is there and Im'a'gonna' find it.
I came to a house that looked familiar but the road sure didn't. There should be deep ditches. Wasn't this where we used to wade in the ditches. Well my goodness, There is Hall Parks store. Why in the world would they move that old store? How stupid! Hey wait a minute, they didn't move that dad burned thing cause there's his ol' house beside it. Surely they didn't move em' both. Well heck fire this must be the road. If it is then I know where I am. Yep!
I drove on up the road and turned on to the road that would go all the way down to the end. A dead-end road right by the railroad track.
I was getting excited now. Going home I was thinking, I'm going home. I drove on down and there it was. Oh Lord, where is the neat yard? And that porch my Daddy built with his own hands, that couldn't be it. Where is the Crepe Myrtle and the Walnut trees. I knew that was the house but what had happened to it? Oh lord! What have they done to my home? They have destroyed my home. Oh Please let me wake up from a bad dream.
There was a woman standing in the yard. I asked if I could look around and take some pictures of this place where I grew up. She said Sure it would be OK. I walked to the back and took a picture. Where was that China Berry tree we used to sit under? What is wrong with this place? This is not my home. Where is Daddies garden? The Rail Road tracks are not even here. They moved them too.
I finally found the tracks, they were still there but the weeds had grown up and they were almost hidden. The big field where we had our fort was overgrown, the persimmon tree and the blackberry patch were also gone. I walked back around to the front, took another picture, got in my car and left. About halfway up the road the tears forced their way out and started falling. I cried for hours. I had tried to go Home again and it wasn't there. I hadn't even asked to go inside because I knew I'd never be able to do it. I can remember the inside of that house just like it was. Warm and fuzzy memories. Loving memories. Oh how I was wishing I hadn't gone down there. You can never go back. That was not my wonderful home at all. Nothing was the same. I finally realized that it wasn't things, and stuff, that was missing. No. What was missing was us. Mama, Daddy, Norman, Me, Grandmas, Grandpas, Brenda, Paul, and Auntie. We were the home, not the house. I can't get that back physically but I can go there anytime I want to. I just have to turn my thoughts back to that ol' house and all the people who made a house a home. That's what home is all about. I was hurt and saddened by what I had seen but that wasn't my home anymore. I'll never go back. Those two pictures are still here. I even have them in my gallery but my Home is in my memories. They are only pictures.
So I've been home again this evening. I've wandered down that lane and gone in that house. I've reflected and remembered. I've smiled, laughed, and I've even cried. But I went home again and I am refreshed and very Thankful.
I wrote this poem years ago when I was away from home and couldn't come back. I went home in my mind this day just as I have done today.


I walked along a path this morn' that I had walked before.

It ends up in the woods, it starts at my back door.

My Dad walked here many times, Mama and brother too.

I played here as a child, Now I'm alone and blue.

There was where my Daddy sat on a fallen log.

Here my brother and I played with our family dog.

My Mama came here many times just to be alone,

So did I, I loved it here and played the whole day long.

Now this path is silent, no one is around.

But if I listen carefully, God sends to me the sounds.

Sweet voices of my Family, though none of them are near.

Daddy is gone to Heaven, Mama no longer lives here.

My Brother, He's gone too, with a Family of his own.

But their beautiful memories are here and here we all still roam!!!


Sunday, March 8, 2009


3-7-09...THE NINE OF US

There were nine in our class all through 12 years. We picked up one now and then but they were always gone in a flash leaving just us nine. There were five girls and four boys. Yep we had em' outnumbered. That didn't mean a lot though because we were like a family of nine siblings. Can't remember any major battles or upsets. It was a small school and all classes were small but ours was really small. So much so that we had to recruit from other classes to have enough characters for our Jr. and Sr. plays. Also we had to go with the Senior's on our Senior trip when we were Juniors. I have to say I was a bit put out with that situation. The very idea, I thought, making us miss the big trip when we were Seniors. Nope didn't like that.
But that was after we were in High School so I'm getting the cart before the horse. We were tolerant of one another in grade school up to a point. Well Gordon was a big pest and aggravation to us constantly. The orneriest , most mischievous little boy I had ever seen. His sister Pat was in our class too and she was just as leery of him as we were.
The back side of the school building had doors and the start of steps that were never finished leaving the concrete blocks up to the doors which we climbed on. We would also go in between and play in our own private little world. Gordon would throw things over on us. Dead things, live things, and in between.
We were sitting in our little cubby hole one day and Gordon was extra obnoxious. Just wouldn't leave us alone. We five sat right there and planned what we were going to do. We didn't get it all worked out during that recess but there were others recesses. We wanted to get him good so it was a few days before we put our plan in to action.
It had snowed a few days earlier and it was starting to melt. It was a mess. Mud and snow and cold. Gordon started running by our private refuge and kicking snow in all over us. We got fed up and I mean rip roarin' mad fed up. YEP! We might not have put our plan in to motion though if he hadn't stuck his head in and say, "Hey, look down your blouse and spell attic". Well heck I didn't know what I was doing so I decided to do it. Gordon's sister Pat said, "No Clydene don't do that. Don't you know what he is doing"? Well heck no I hadn't caught on yet. I suppose Gordon had already pulled it on her and she knew better. Or maybe she was just smarter than me. Whatever it was I was too stubborn to pay attention so I looked down my coat and said, "a-t-t-i-c. Well by golly I got it then and even if I was only 8yrs. Old I knew that was not allowed.
"Lets Get Him Girls" I hollered. They were ready. Two of us grabbed his legs while the other three got ready. When he hit the ground they got his arms and we pulled and pushed at the same time. Everyone was laughing all around us and cheering us on as we drug him out in to a big area of snow. We turned him over on his belly and kept dragging till we drug him through a muddy spot. We rolled his face around in the mud for a spell.
Gordon was yelling, "I'll get you. Just wait till I get up". "Heck you aint a getting' up Gordon till you tell us you will leave us alone". "NO, he said I'm gonna roll all of you in this mud". "Oh? Ya think you can"? "I sure can".
Gordon was a mess and a half by now. He wasn't hurt anywhere but his pride though. He was muddy and cold and we were afraid we were gonna get in trouble so we let him up. Couldn't have been long cause' the teacher didn't catch us. Gordon was trying to act mad but everyone was laughing so he finally got tickled too.
When we got back in side Miss Hogan asked Gordon how he got so muddy and he told her he fell. No one else said a word so that was that. Gordon still pestered us from time to time but it wasn't as bad. Finally it just stopped. Probably we were all getting' more mature by then bit I don't know about that. Oh we squabbled from time to time but mostly the nine of us were pretty close.
Eight of us are still around. We lost Pat to cancer about five years ago. It was a sad time, we miss her.
Our Senior Class.

Saturday, March 7, 2009



My moods are as bad as Arkansas weather. Up, Down, all around. Why do we get in and out of these moods? Why can't we just stay on an even keel of sorts. I'm me, you are you. We are all so different but yet the same.
I've been in a down mood lately and I hate it. My Grandma used to tell me I was moody and she was right. There are so many different moods to be in. I have come to the realization that we make our own moods. I went grocery shopping this morning, not my favorite chore I must say. The store was crowded and noisy. They had moved things drastically since the last time I was in there and of course I got frustrated because I couldn't find anything. Nothing was where it should be. Why do they do that anyway. I always was told, If it aint' broke don't fix it. Now who was the smart person that decided to put the dad blasted sour cream up by the butter. It has always been back with the yogurts, cottage cheese, etc.. I liked it there, I was used to it being there, why in the heck move it?!
I got to thinking about the little store where my Mama shopped when I was a kid. Nothing moved there. Everything stayed put. It was a cracker box shaped building made of sheet iron. One isle up the middle, meat box in the back, by the side of a pop machine. The pop machine was like a chest type with bars at intervals across it. Pops were slid in these slots with only the bottle top showing. On the cap was the flavor. Pop Kola, RC Cola, Coke in 6oz. Bottles, Root Beer, Cream soda, Nesbitts Orange,Grape, Strawberry, and on and on. You put in your nickel something triggered and you could slide the bottle of your choice over till you could pull it out then open it with a bottle opener hanging on a cord. On the left side was a candy display case. The candy was all in boxes in the glass front case. No wrappings, just lying open in the boxes. That was penny candy and you could get a candy sack full for a penny. Across from it was the candy bars. Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Zag Nut, Zero, Power House, and they were big. They cost a nickel. On the other side of that isle was shampoos, lotions , hair oils in three kinds. Prell Shampoo, Jergens Lotion, and Wildroot Cream Oil hair oil. Hall Parks stood behind the counter with a pencil and paper. As you laid your items on the counter he wrote it down and listed the price. When you finished he then licked the lead in the pencil and went down the figures counting in his head as he went, then he would write the total at the bottom. It was all faster than any store now. No waiting for Price Checks or the blamed machine throwing your credit card back at you.
Well heck fire, it is as plain as the nose on your face why our moods are changing for the worse as we get older. Things are too fast now. Hurry, hurry, hurry. That's it I have decided. We didn't have as much to choose from then, the store was small, no walking for a long time just to find an item that they have moved. No waiting on price checks. No waiting on a stupid machine that wont work. It was not a major endeavor just to buy groceries. Simple, Simple, Simple. That's what the difference is now, nothing is simple any more. No wonder my moods are jumping here and there all the time. My brain is still in 1950 and it is 2009. Yep! I got it figured out. Times they are a changin' too darn fast. I'm in slow gear trying to function in the fast lane and I'm too old to change now. Heck I don't wanna' strip what gears I've got left! Nope!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



When that beautiful gray eyed baby was placed in my arms my life was transformed from night to day, scary to hopeful, helpless to vibrant. I was on top of the world magnificently changed from desolation to happiness. My life overflowed with such love in my heart it almost hurt. Never before, never since has that same feeling ever entered my soul. This little baby became my life, my reason for going on, my being.
The first month or so I couldn't sleep at night. Instead I hung over his crib and counted his every breath, watched every little detail of his tiny little mouth with its sucking motions and what I called grins. I held him, cuddled him, told him Mama loves you baby!
As he grew under my wing and protection I enjoyed every minute of it. Every diaper, every cry, every aspect of his day and night. When he first laughed out I thought my heart would stop from the joy of it. When I first heard him trying to say Mama tears flowed down my face in streams. He said Mama! I had never thought I would ever hear those wonderful words spoked to me. Oh the wonder of it. Oh Thank You Lord for the blessing of my Son Richard.
The day I took him to school when he started Kindergarten my heart was in my throat trying to spill out. What if he cried? What would I do? Could I leave him there and see him crying for me to take him? Could I? I didn't think I would be able to bear it.
School buses were unloading when we got there. I parked and got out, got Richard out and hand in hand we walked through those big double doors. I was trembling and close to tears. We found his room, I took a big breath of courage and we went in.
The Teacher greeted us, Richard told her his name and age while I stood glued to the spot afraid I would faint if I breathed hard. She told Richard he could go play with others until class started. He pulled his hand from mine. I was so reluctant to let go but knew I had to. The Teacher said I could go but if I wished to stay a while I was welcome to do so. Well I wished to stay and I did.
The kids were all on a big mat on the floor playing and getting acquainted. As other Mothers started leaving I was getting more and more nervous. I walked over and squatted down by Richard to tell him I was going to go on home. I was thinking, I can't do this. If he cries I am going to take him home with me. Oh my gosh, I can't do this!! Richard, I'm going on home now and I'll be back after you at 3:00. He looked up at me and said OK! OK? He said OK as if it didn't bother him a bit that I was leaving. He was so interested in the little boy beside him that he barely looked at me. Richard was fine but Mama wasn't. I got to my car holding back the tears. Once I got in the car though I couldn't hold them any more, and once I let them go I couldn't stop them. I cried until my chest hurt. I sobbed all day after I got home. My eyes were swollen almost shut and hurting. My head ached and I threw up. I was a complete mess! I had worried for weeks about this day. I was so afraid that Richard would cry. HE DIDN'T! I DID!
Richard was my life and soul. I treasured every minute of the time I had him but those first 5 years have to be my most precious. When they are small and so dependent on you they are all yours. But once they are old enough to go to school you start losing that little baby. He is growing up and from then on it gets worse. I wanted to always be there to pick him up and dry his tears but that is not to be. I had to let him go to school when he was still my baby and that was hard. Later things got even harder as he grew older. My Grandma once told me, "Clydene, when they are little they step on your toes, enjoy every step because later they will step on you heart". Oh How right she was. So very very right.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


2-28-09...MISS HOGAN

My 3rd.&4th grade teacher was Miss Hogan. Now let me tell you that lady and I just didn't jive. Nope. Like two sore toes rubbing together. I think most liked Miss Hogan but not me. Seemed to me that she was picking on me all the time. I know I was a little snot, and Brenda was again in the same room with me, so I guess my orneriness was showing through more. I guess I wont blame her for it all but she was an ol bag as far as I was concerned.
Miss Hogan was a heavy woman with white hair. She wore it braided and wound around her head. Looked to me like a cap of some kind. I thought she had a pretty voice. I always thought of fudge when she talked.
Miss Hogans Mom and Dad in law lived very close to Brenda s house. All we had to do was crawl under one fence and go through a garden gate and we were in their yard. The older Miss Hogan was worse than the Teacher Miss Hogan but the old man was happy go lucky. He would let Brenda and I climb in their mulberry tree when the fruit was ripe and eat all we wanted. We sit up there and turn black all over from squashing those mulberries.
One day the Teacher Miss Hogan and her son were there. The son was on the back porch when all four of us climbed up in the mulberry tree. He came out and gave us all some ripe cherries to eat. Well of course we ate them. The two Miss Hogans came out and there I stood with my hands and mouth full of cherries. The rest were eating cherries too and her son had given them to us but Miss Hogan just had a fit. Told me I was not allowed to come over again and took the cherries away from me. “I brought these cherries for Mom Hogan to make Jam, she said, shame on you for eating them. Now go home”. We all went running over and told my Auntie what had happened and here she went. Flew over there like an ol settin' hen and told both Miss Hogans what for. Whooppee! Auntie you done good. Yep.
Seemed like Miss Hogan watched me like a hawk in school. I got blamed for everything it seemed to me. Still think she hated me but years later she assured me she didn't.
Miss Hogan and Miss Bonnie would be out on the playgrounds with us at recess to patrol the grounds. They would walk around with big dill pickles and/or a coke. Made me want a coke real bad in the summer when it was hot. Didn't seem fair to me cause we couldn't have cokes and pickles. I imagine they brought them from home. I saw the big gallon jar of dill pickles one day in the room where we took our nickels to buy candy. We called it the candy store. I tried to get someone to help me steal a pickle but no one wanted a pickle. Heck I didn't want a pickle anyway just wanted to show Miss Hogan a thing or two. Good thing I didn't succeed at that one.
One day I got sick and asked her to take me home. She said I was just pretending and made me sit down. I was really feeling sick with a headache. When lunch time came I told my Auntie who was one of the cooks then, that I was sick. Auntie knew I was. (I started having migraine headaches very young). She said,” tell your teacher”. “I told her but she don't believe me”, I said. Well let me tell you right now Miss Hogan did take me home and she did it right then.
I was so happy to get out of Miss Hogans classroom. I spent my third and fourth years in there. Maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought but I still see it the same way. Didn't like her. She didn't like me. NOPE!!