Saturday, March 14, 2009




My Cousin Duane died yesterday morning. I guess we all start thinking about when our loved ones were here. Things they did, things we did. Things we should have done. We look back with regret on some things, but with joy on some of the things we remember.
I got to wondering why it has to take death to make us stop and think about the ways this person was a blessing to us.
When I was a child growing up Duane was there. Older enough that we just didn't really run in the same circles so to speak. He visited our home a lot then. There was Duane, his brother Curtis and another cousin Pat. We would be outside playing sometimes and here all three of them would come walking up the track beside our house. They had rode the bus from a nearby town down to Altus where they walked down the hill and on to our house. They would be there for a few days. They were good to us, sometimes teasing me to get my cat claws out but it was mostly good to have them there.
I have been reflecting on several things today. All three boys grew up and went in the service. Duane & Curtis in the Army, Pat in the air force. One time Duane was in on leave and brought me a red and white Teddy Bear. I was never any happier with anything than I was that teddy bear. I just loved it. Same with Curtis and Pat. When they were home on leave they always spent time at our house.
Of course the boys soon grew up and got married with homes all over the place and I went on about my life. I still saw them at family functions and they were around but it was never as it was when I was a kid. But then nothing ever stays the same does it? It again must take a death or something in the family to bring us all together again. There have been several of those times, too many of them in fact.
Pat and Curtis still live away but Duane came back home to retire. He lived in the same town just six miles from where I live now. Six miles that were traveled too few times. I see that now. Duane lived alone in a little apartment that I drove by over and over and very seldom stopped to visit. Oh I thought about it. I saw him at funerals or other family gatherings. I talked to him on the phone but didn't go by to see him. I'm sorry about that. Duane didn't drive in his last several years and had to get someone to take him places. I feel selfish now and I'm ashamed of myself. Curtis can't be here for his Brothers funeral because he is not able to travel. Pat will be here, I'll see Pat and I am promising myself that I'll be in touch with Pat and Curtis more often. Duane was right here ,six miles away, and I had the chance to see him but didn't. I was talking to my Aunt and she said something that jolted me to the core. There are not many of us left now. No there aren't many of us left and I plan to stop taking for granted that there will always be a tomorrow. I need to be a family member now, not tomorrow when it is too late. Mama used to tell me, "Don't put off till tomorrow what You can do today, Clydene. How do you know tomorrow will come". She was wise because she knew and she taught me that in fact there is no tomorrow. All we have is today. I plan to make the most of all my todays from now on. Hope You Will Too.

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