Tuesday, August 31, 2010



My Brother Norman and I used to sleep outside when it got so terribly hot. We didn't have AC I doubt anyone did then. Probably if they did they were way above us monetarily. We didn't even have a small fan of any kind. We had a quilt that we used as a pallet outside. Often one of us would go to the other in the night and say, "Lets go out in the yard to sleep". Up we'd jump an off we'd go to the front yard and lay out our pallet under the big cedar tree. Looking back I can't understand why we picked that tree. It was usually full of bugs that would fall on us and the foliage was stickery to say the least. That was the place we picked for whatever reason. It's a wonder a snake hadn't crawled on us. OOOH It scares me to think of that now. Isn't it amazing how resilient kids are?
One night it was so hot we couldn't really get cool even outside but I did eventually go to sleep. Sweat was running down my face in rivulets. My hair was wet and sticky. Sometime later I woke and the sweat was running off my nose and it tickled. I reached up to wipe my face and one big drop of sweat didn't feel right. It was too big an too solid to be sweat for one thing. Second thing was how it moved when I swipe my hand over it. UH OH, that was live. I thought probably a baby bird had fell out of it's nest in the tree so I cupped it in my hands and elbowed Norman. "Wake up Norman, we've gotta put this baby back in his nest". He said, "We can't see to do that tonight Sister we'll have to wait till morning". "What are we gonna do with it now". While we talked it over I got tired of holding the bird and asked Norman to take it. He reached out and I opened my hands for him to take it. Well By Golly that blamed baby bird hopped out of my hands and on to my bare leg. WOOPS! "Noooorrrrmmmmaaannn, That aint no bird". "What is it then?" Well let me tell you I had figured out by then what it was and it sure weren't gonna stay on me. No Sir Ee. I couldn't move that fast now if my life depended on it but I was on the porch in a couple of jumps screaming to the top of my lungs. "A FROG, A FROG, Oh My God a frog". Norman wouldn't laugh at me for being scared of a frog, because he remembered putting one on me once and I almost passed out, but he was trying to tell me it was only a little ol' tree frog no bigger than my Daddies thumb. Didn't matter to me how big, A frog is a frog is a frog and I hate frogs. I opened the screen door and hit the solid wall that was my Daddies chest. Knocked the wind out of me but I was moving on.
Norman had to promise me that he'd keep all frogs off me before I went out again and I wouldn't go that night at all.
Good Grief, Can you see a kid now lying down in the yard like that right out in the open with no cover except a cedar tree?



Someone called me grouchy this morning and my first thought was to tell her off good. How dare she call me grouchy. HOW DARE SHE. Now usually I would bristle up like an old settin' hen and my claws would be out. The fact that I thought before I acted was new. My Mamma taught me to always think before I open my mouth to spew out fire. I know the rules but down through the years sometime I left that wisdom far behind. I thought, Hey I knew how it was done and somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind it got out again. The fact is that I have been very grouchy lately. Very Grouchy!! The thought right after that piece of wisdom is that I have reason to be grouchy but that doesn't count for much when there are so many others in the same boat with me. If we don't start THINKING before we speak we are going to sink the boat now aren't we?
Mamma didn't just say think before you speak either. She said 'Think about what that person has on their mind when they grouched at you and what might have happened to them that made them that way. Don't take for granted that everything is OK with them because It might not be'.
We just can't know what others have to deal with at any given time. We can't look inside their minds and even begin to understand the problems, hurts, or heartaches that are there ready to surface.
We all need someone that we can confide in. Someone who loves us just for us. Someone who will stand beside you and uphold you. Love us when we are un-lovable as I have been lately. Someone like that is a true friend. We can pick out our true friends fast when we are troubled, They stay by your side. They wont say "you are grouchy" they will say "What's wrong, can I help"? They never say that don't make sense. They don't offer advise unless you ask for advice. They won't say anything, they will just sit quietly by, cry with you just the way they laugh with you. That's a friend. I have many friends but only a few REAL FRIENDS. I should have thought about that before I said anything to her in the first place this morning. She is not a friend. So if she calls me grouchy so what? I probably wouldn't have been grouchy with a friend this morning. So when someone is grouchy with me the way I was this morning I'm going to try and stop and think before I let it bother me from now on. At least I hope I will. TEE HEE

Thursday, August 19, 2010



School is starting up today in the schools here. I imagine it is the same almost everywhere. I couldn't help the thought that came to my mind about those poor little babies in the lower grades. My first thought was , 'Oh My Goodness I hope no one leaves their child locked in their car all day and forgets them'. That happens so much it seems. Poor little trusting kids dependent on their parent or care giver. I just can't comprehend a parent, especially a Mother, going about their business all day and forgetting their child in the car. Last year even a Teacher in this area did that very thing. Her child was so blessed that a cousin was coming to school and saw the baby sitting there cooking in that hot car. It has actually been happening all summer around here and almost everywhere else.
We have an excessive heat warning today. How long would a small child have to suffer? What in the world is going on with people now? It is not just babies dying in hot cars, they are raped, kidnapped and murdered, drown and pushed in a big body of water strapped in car seats. Small children raped and murdered by big men who are sex offenders. What makes that worse is that these perverts get out of jail almost as soon as they are convicted. It just makes me sick to my stomach and mad as heck. These people should never have kids at all. I don't understand why they don't just give them up for adoption by someone who really wants a child. My heart just breaks even thinking about this. What in the vworld is going to be done about this?