Tuesday, August 31, 2010



Someone called me grouchy this morning and my first thought was to tell her off good. How dare she call me grouchy. HOW DARE SHE. Now usually I would bristle up like an old settin' hen and my claws would be out. The fact that I thought before I acted was new. My Mamma taught me to always think before I open my mouth to spew out fire. I know the rules but down through the years sometime I left that wisdom far behind. I thought, Hey I knew how it was done and somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind it got out again. The fact is that I have been very grouchy lately. Very Grouchy!! The thought right after that piece of wisdom is that I have reason to be grouchy but that doesn't count for much when there are so many others in the same boat with me. If we don't start THINKING before we speak we are going to sink the boat now aren't we?
Mamma didn't just say think before you speak either. She said 'Think about what that person has on their mind when they grouched at you and what might have happened to them that made them that way. Don't take for granted that everything is OK with them because It might not be'.
We just can't know what others have to deal with at any given time. We can't look inside their minds and even begin to understand the problems, hurts, or heartaches that are there ready to surface.
We all need someone that we can confide in. Someone who loves us just for us. Someone who will stand beside you and uphold you. Love us when we are un-lovable as I have been lately. Someone like that is a true friend. We can pick out our true friends fast when we are troubled, They stay by your side. They wont say "you are grouchy" they will say "What's wrong, can I help"? They never say that don't make sense. They don't offer advise unless you ask for advice. They won't say anything, they will just sit quietly by, cry with you just the way they laugh with you. That's a friend. I have many friends but only a few REAL FRIENDS. I should have thought about that before I said anything to her in the first place this morning. She is not a friend. So if she calls me grouchy so what? I probably wouldn't have been grouchy with a friend this morning. So when someone is grouchy with me the way I was this morning I'm going to try and stop and think before I let it bother me from now on. At least I hope I will. TEE HEE

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