Thursday, December 10, 2009



I've told you about BoJangles. When I had to have him put to sleep I went looking for another Pal to love. I went in to a Pet Store and there was Caspar. White and fluffy with his tail curled back over his back. It was love at first sight and that went both ways. It was winter and it was cold. Caspar was only five weeks old. That was too young to be adopted out but the shop was in it for money. He was very gentle and I didn't hear him bark for a few weeks but boy when he came out of his shyness he was a white tornado.
I guess because of his young age and it being winter Caspar got pneumonia. The vet kept him two days and cared for him. He was still sick but I bundled him up and off we went. It was a while before he got over that but he eventually did and the white tornado was blowing again.
Caspar chewed everything he could get his teeth on. Everything except his toys ,that is. He had a basket for his toys. He would get one or two out and play with them then go and jump in the basket, put the toys back, and jump out with more. If it was his, he protected it and took good care of it. MY STUFF? He ate my stuff. I had almost lost him and I was very reluctant to correct him so he got to be a little white terror.
When Caspar was 11 months old he went to bed one night and never woke up. I don't know what happened. He was frisky and healthy when I went to sleep but sometime in the night something happened. Vet was puzzled. He thought maybe it was something like the sudden death syndrome like happens to Babies sometimes. Whatever it was it really threw me for a spin. I felt horrible. I would say if only I had done this or that. Someone told me I should never have got him in the winter. I don't know about that but it was hard on me that Christmas.
Some will not understand this but my pets are part of my family and I love them. They are loyal to be and love me when people might not. I have had a dog in my house as long as I can remember. I will as long as I'm able.

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