Wednesday, December 30, 2009


12-29-09...A TRIBUTE

A tribute to Miss Whitley
and other barren women
She gathered up her partners
and down the road they trod.
Their bare feet gliding smoothly,
ore' tough terrain and sod.
No certain destination,
was even in our mind.
We just took off together,
Yep! Had plenty of time.
We anticipated our first stop,
Twas just around the bend,
and up on the next lane,
the house there on the end.
Where was a sweet old lady,
she was alone and sad,
And her lot was not to be blessed,
with kids like others had.
We knew that when we stopped there,
she'd always say “Come on in”.
And through that summer long,
we went and went again.
She served us cake and kool aide,
she called it evening tea,
Her face would light with smile
as she served my friends and me.
She claimed us all as her kid'o's
and when we'd start to go,
she'd say “now don't y'all forget me”,
we'd say “oh my no”.
That school year brought new wonders,
and I'm ashamed to say,
we forgot about that dear lady,
and when I got home one day.
Mamma told me that our friend, had quietly passed away.
We all trouped in to say good by,
when they laid her to her rest.
And vowed to her we'd never never again,
forget her, she was the best.
I still think of her often,
though more than 50 years have passed.
And now in my later years,
I can feel her pain,
when her little troupe of kid'o's.
Left to never come again.
Clydene (Thomas) Overbey

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