Wednesday, December 23, 2009



I was in a store a while back and saw something that I never would have seen in my time. There was this Mother with her two kids. The Mother looked like she was about ready to pull her hair out. She was not dressed in the finest but her two teenage daughters were. What made me want to pull some of their hair out was the way those smart elec girls were treating their little Mother.
In the first place they were ashamed of their Mother and they let her, and everyone else around them, know it. Every time she said something to them they would roll their painted eyes and look at her like she didn't have a lick of sense. They were correcting her grammar and giggling about it.
There was something they wanted to buy and each wanted one. The Mother didn't have the foggiest idea what the thing was. (I didn't either) She was trying to tell them that they could get one and share because she couldn't afford two of them. She was near tears and they were tearing in to her like snakes with their venomous words. “ Oh My God I hate having an old lady like you for a mother.” “You don't know anything”, “No wonder Daddy left you”. “I hate you”. Are just a few of the things they were saying.
I hurried around to the next aisle to escape this but I could still hear them. I was thinking, If that poor lady don't box them up aside their heads I'm just tempted to do it for her so I'd better just get on out of here before I wind up in jail.
There were others who were just as aggravated as I was but we were helpless to do anything.
A lady standing beside me said “That's abuse of an older person if I've ever seen it”. I said “I know it and I think I'll just call a cop and see what they think about. I wasn't going to do that of course but I wanted to shut those girls up and give that lady a break. One of the girls said, “If you don't do what I want I'm leaving and you wont see me again”, “ME Too” the other one said. Just when I thought I couldn't hold it back anymore and I was gonna' box them both into next week**** POP POP. That little old lady slapped the heck out of those two right there in the store. Then she very calmly said, “Bye girls, I'll miss you”. Whooppee!! I started clapping my hands and a bunch of others did too. We started giggling and the table was turned on those two. They were following behind their Mother like two little puppies with their tails between their legs. Sometimes good does win out over evil by golly.

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