Saturday, September 6, 2008



I was in a store yesterday and saw rows and rows of candy labeled Happy Halloween. When I was growing up we had a similiar celebration but nothing like "trick or treat". We didn't go in for ghosts and goblins and witches. Just not a part of halloween then. We didn't run up to doors in droves and holler "TRICK OR TREAT". When we were very young. Older kids would walk with us around a couple of what is called blocks now. Just dirt roads then and we walked up each one. People who wanted to would invite us in and give us a treat which was usually a piece of fruit or homemade cake or pie, and sometimes even a popcorn ball. YUMMY! When we got old enough to walk in a group and walk farther from home it was still the same. At least till one night when some, (now how do I be nice about this,) honery boys who lived near by wanted to do things like we had been hearing about kids doing elsewhere. They started following us and wanting us to walk with them. Well I'm not mentioning any names here but they were bullies. They thought everyone was scared of them. We had been raised across the way from them and we just were not afraid of them. They started cutting down trees across the road, turning over toilets, turning out chickens, things like that. I think Brenda and I were about 10 at the time and we got tired of them. HECK FIRE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! We came up with a plan to scare the pants off them. It was very dark on the road which was lined with big trees on each side. Not much light got through. Brenda and I got in a ditch (seems we were awfully fond of ditches back then) and waited. We had found a piece of pipe of some kind about the size of a gun barrell. We had it and an old bucket and some large rocks. We were behind a house where we figured they would be turning the out house over. Now Brenda get ready I hear em comin', She was ready. In fact I think she enjoyed it all as much as I did that time. She usually tried to talk me out of things she was scared to do. The boys came up the road and started heaving on the back of the outhouse which was not an easy task. We sneaked out of the ditch, I stuck the pipe in one back and Brenda dropped a big rock in the bucket. Oh my Gosh let me tell you those boys started trying to run at the same time hollerin' and screamin' Please Mr (no name) don't shoot PLEASE!! We said not a word but I poked the pipe in the biggest bullies back again and he came unglued. Stood right there and wet his pants and cried like a baby. Brenda dropped another rock in the bucket for good measure and I poked the pipe at another one of them and we took off running and giggling and saying pee-pee-pants pee-pee pants, giggle- giggle- giggle- he's a big baby pee-pee pants, giggle giggle. Clydene ther'a'gonna kill us! No they aint I said cause Im'a'gonna tell Daddy on them. I knew they were a little bit afraid of my Daddy, though I can't understand why except maybe somethin' I'd said in the past, like maybe he was Indian and knew how to scalp people. Do ya think that mighta been it? Anyway they knew who we were because the next morning when Daddy went out to the toilet he said he could see where it had been turned over and then someone had set it back up. Now who do you recon coulda' done that?? Guess we made a believer outta them cause they sure wasn't taking any chances with my Daddies toilet. NOSIREEE. Those boys did grow to respect my Daddy when they found out what a nice gentle man he really was. I never did cotton to them though. Nope, they just never grew out of being a bully. But that night by golly we sure took em' down a notch. YEP!!!

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