Saturday, December 27, 2008


12-27-08...WARM FUZZIES

Nope! I don't live in the past but I sure love to keep my past alive. Christmas Day brought some more of those warm fuzzy feelings as I chatted with my Brother. Oh What fine memories we relived together. Precious memories never to be lost, I hope.
His Two Sons and grandkids were there and they laughed their heads off at us. I told things on Norman that his kids or his wife didn't even know. HEHEHE! Then he started telling things on me and I was ready to go on to different topics. YEP!
He got around to how scared I am of frogs and the boys started teasing me. One of them even got a book with pictures of ugly ol' frogs and tried getting me to look. Nope! I don't even like a picture of a frog.
One story Norman told I had forgotten all about. Just thinking of it makes my skin prickle and creepy crawlies begin to go all over me.
When I was old enough to date I had to be home early but usually all my family would already be in bed. I would go quietly through the house to my bedroom and get my jammies on and get in bed. One cold winter night I came home to a dark house. Mama usually left a light on in my room and one in the kitchen so I could find my way through the house. I suspect too she wanted to watch what time I got home. Well the little lamp was on in the kitchen but after I turned it off and started to the back of the house to my room, I noticed there was no light in my room. Well shoot fire I thought. Mama forgot to leave my light on. ("She didn't) I stumbled on through the house to my Brothers room. Had to pass there to get to my room. He was sound asleep. I THOUGHT!! Our lights had to be turned on by a pull chain hanging from the bulb in the ceiling. I reached up to turn it on and instead of the little chain I got hold of something cold. I went ahead and pulled on it and to my horror it was a frog. Now I came unhinged, I mean my brain unwound. I couldn't even speak for a while. My body was shaking (you know all shook up) and my teeth were chatterin' and not from the cold either. Then when I could I screamed and started jumping up and down in one spot. I thought I was runnin' but I wasn't moving. Norman of course was there by then just doublin' over in laughter and Mama and Daddy were on their way cause I could hear'em' running through the house. Somehow I got my feet going and took off. I knocked my brother down flatter'n' a pancake as I passed by and ran smack dab into my Daddy, who in turn stumbled back in to Mama. Mama got Daddy around the waist and hung on. I watched in horror as they went slip slidin' backwards lookin' for all the world like a circus act of some kind. Then I got tickled, Norman got up and came to look and he got tickled again too. Well Mama and Daddy finally stumbled up against the couch in the front room and came to an abrupt halt as they tumbled on to the couch with Mama still hangin' on to Daddy for dear life, bringing about more shrieks of giggles from Norman and I. Now let me tell you My Mama and Daddy "Were NOT laughin' at least not yet. They struggled to get up and Mama never had let go of her grip on Daddy so they finally sat on the floor with Daddy sittin' on MAMA. "Lucille, Turn loose of me" "I'm not touchin' you Clyde, You kids shut up". Oh My I couldn't have shut up then if the troops were comin' Nope! But when Daddy said "What is goin' on here? You tell me NOW! Well I got myself settled in a second flat and so did Norman. "Daddy, Norman put a frog on my light chain" I screeched. "Oh heck fire Clydene it aint a real frog. its plastic". "Yes it is to real Daddy go look if ya' don't believe me". "NO It aint real Clydene you goofy thing". Well they looked, not me, and it was plastic but how was I to know that? HUH?? Mama and Daddy were aggravated to have their sleep,( not to mention their dignity when they danced the hoo'haa') disturbed but seeing as how I had played so many pranks on Norman I guess they figured I had it comin'. But Not with a frog they told Norman. You know how scared Clydene is of frogs and that was mean. Norman agreed and we all had a good laugh then.
As we sat there on Christmas and talked about our Parents and our growing up years I got that warm wonderful, fuzzy feelin' that I had lost these past few weeks. I've got it back now though so I'm good for a few more memories while I can still remember. YEP! I had a good life back then and I'm gonna' keep it alive as long as I can. YEP!!!

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