Thursday, January 29, 2009


1-29-09...MAMAS SHAWL

We had no water in our house. Well we had water but we had to go outside and draw it up from the well. It was a drilled well. The bucket was a long cylinder type thing with a rope that fed on a pulley hanging above. You dropped the bucket down in the well and let it fill up then draw it back up and empty it into your water bucket from the house. Several times a day this had to be done. There was a hand made wash stand in the kitchen to set the bucket on. Beside the bucket was a wash pan for washing hands. A dipper was hanging on a hook to get a drink of water. Yep. We all drank from that dipper, out of that bucket. Germs? Maybe. But we all survived. When one of us was sick we got our water in a glass. Why not a glass all the time? Heck I don't know. Just the way it was. The bucket, the wash pan, and the dipper were all white with red rings around the rims. The wash stand was built by Daddy out of rough lumber. Grandma made a cover of sorts with feed sacks, gathered it at the top and put a heavy string through it so it could be tied around the stand like a curtain. The curtain was white. It was taken off often and washed, starched, and ironed, to be hung again. Quiet a production.
Mama went out one morning to get a bucket of water. She usually asked one of us to do it but this time she went. It was just coming daylight on a late spring morning. A few minutes later we heard such a screech, then a thump. Norman, Paul and I were in the house and we all three went running out there. We weren't sure what the sound was but knew Mama was out there so we were concerned. We ran out on the porch and there sat Mama on the ground way out in the yard. She was wet and shaking like a bowl of jello. The water bucket was in her lap, turned upside down. Her face and hair was wet. She looked so comical sitting there that we all got tickled. Mama tried to give us the look but it wasn't coming out like THE LOOK at all. It was even more comical. We went running to her saying, "Giggle, Giggle, whas'the giggle matter, giggle, giggle. Mama what giggle giggle haapenned, giggle. I couldn't have stopped giggling for my dear life right then. Giggle, giggle, aaree' you giggle, giggle, hurt?
I don't think we would have ever got anything out of Mama if we hadn't finally calmed our giggles and gotten serious. She finally told us the story. She had her bucket of water and was on the porch just reaching to open the door when she felt something hit her and something went around her neck. She looked down at the same time she was reaching up on her shoulder, and what she saw and felt sent her trying to run. slinging her arms, bucket and all, till she got off the porch and sat down suddenly in the yard, bucket still with her, water all over her. I was about to get tickled again but I saw that Mama was really scared and I squelched that giggle and asked again, Mama what happened?
When we finally got the story out of her and got her in the house this is what we found out. The eaves of our ol' house were the perfect place for birds to build. Seems there was a big black snake crawling up there trying to rob a birds nest. It fell right on Mama's shoulder and one end was hanging down on each side. She had touched and seen the snake at the same time. The screech and thump we heard was her, trying to scream and trying to move at the same time. The thump must have been when she sat down suddenly in the yard. We searched for the snake but it was long gone. Probably almost as scared as Mama was. I still get the giggles when I think how Mama looked sitting in the yard all wet with a bucket in her lap. It took a while for Mama to see the humor in this and I can't say I blame her. I can just about imagine what that thing felt like almost wrapped around her. Black snakes aren't poison but I still don't want one on my back. NOPE!!

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