Sunday, June 14, 2009



I worked in Nursing Homes and Hospitals for 25 years. I started at a small one when I was 18. I at one time worked in all capacities. I did everything from cleaning their floors to giving them baths and medicine. The last 15 years I was Food Service Manager and Dietitian which didn't give me as close contact with the residents. But in those years when I was on the floor with these dear people I learned a lot. Some things were not really my cup of tea but others were more endearing and lasting.
You could get attached to these dear souls very quickly and be entwined in their lives as well as their families lives. Some of them had no family visiting and that was sad. I've been adopted by them in lots of capacities, such as daughter, niece, Mama, Sister, and last but not least Wife! That was Mr Cowell and I spent a lot of time trying to convince him I wasn't his wife. His Daughter would come and we thought we would have him convinced but not to be. I worked 7-3 days sometimes and would be there to get him up and feed him breakfast, and sometimes I worked 3-11 and was there to put him to bed. One day I had worked the day shift and gone home. About 7PM my phone rang and the nurse said, “Could I ask a big favor of you?” Huh Oh I thought I hope she's not going to ask me to come back to work. Well not quiet that but she did ask me to come back. Seems Mr Cowell threw one big fit and fought them at bed time. He wouldn't go to bed unless his 'WIFE' was there to say good night. Oh My Gosh!!! I went that evening and calmed him down but I knew I sure as heck wasn't going to do it again. Heck fire, no way, no how, PERIOD!!! I didn't either. They started giving him his med to sleep earlier so he wouldn't be combative. Why wasn't that thought of before.
Then there was a sweet little man who I was so attached to. I wish I could remember his name. Every time he saw me his sweet eyes would light up ad I'd get a beautiful smile. He never said a word. It was like he was just too tired to speak. But He was alert and I loved him. No family ever came to see him so he was one of my adoptees. One day I went by and he was slumped in his chair. I straighten him and gave him a kiss on the weathered old cheek. He gave me that beautiful smile and said as plain as anything, “Honey You are the prettiest thing thats a' comin' here. I'm shore gonna' miss you”. Kinda a strange thing to say when I had never heard his voice before. I said “ Well you are just as sweet as a puppy dogs kisses. Thank You sweetie”. I went on up the hall and did what I was heading to do. I wasn't gone but about 10 minutes. When I walked back by his room he was slumped again and was asleep. I was going to go ahead and lay him on his bed. When I touched him I never felt anything so weird in my life. Warm, clammy cold at the same time. I looked at his face closer and knew he had left this world. I was devastated but what he had said to me 10 minutes ago now made sense. He was gonna miss me. Well You dear little lonely soul I'll always miss you too.
So many times things tore at my heart but there were funny and heartwarming times too. When you got close to one of them, sometimes they would be sweet, next time they would try to kick your teeth out. Tell you they want a drink then knock it out of your hand. One thing for sure there was never a dull moment and I loved it. YEP sure nuff Loved it!!!!!

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