Saturday, July 25, 2009


7-24-09...MAMA'S BREAD

Mama made the best bread in the world. Daughter speaking? I'll admit that but just ask anyone who knew her. Nothing better!! Often when we were having a rough time of it Mama would say how she wished there was something she could do to help out. Daddy didn't think much of that idea either. “Kids need you Lucille”, was his answer to her.
One day a (I'll just say she was persnikity) person was at our house and Mama was making bread. I don't know why she was there but I think she purposely hung around during the rising and cooking process hoping she would get a taste. Of course when Mama took the loaves of bread out of the oven she offered the 'lady'? A slice of the bread slathered in home made butter. The eager smart elec grabbed it and proceeded to put a dollop of Mamas home made strawberry jam on it without it being offered. No thank you, no it was good, no nothing except to eagerly scoff it down her proper hatch. Rude, Rude Rude!!!
Now the 'lady'? had money it was plain to see. She had the nerve to ask my Mama for a loaf of that bread to take with her. I was indignant telling her we would eat it ourselves but Mama gave me The Look and made me apologize to the old heiffer. Then my sweet kind Mama standing there in her faded and patched dress, with red raw hands, proceeded to wrap a loaf of that bread in a clean flour sack dish rag and handed it to that ol' bat with a sweet smile on her face. She took it and was gone. I was madder'n'a old wet setting hen but Mama told me to let it go and don't worry about it because if that lady enjoyed it that much then she should have it because she probably didn't know how to make it for herself. “And besides”, she added “We have more”.
As the story spread friends and neighbors started asking Mama to make them a loaf of bread and they all paid her for it even though she told them if they would just bring her flour and yeast she would make it. No, they paid her for it. That kept up until Daddy was again on his feet. But remember the ol' bag who first got a loaf of bread without paying? You'd think she had a concious attack and came back to pay for bread wouldn't you? But Nope she came back all right and got bread often but the old battleaxe never paid a cent for it. Nope Not a cent!!!
Those friends and neighbors who did buy the bread were just trying to help us in their own way. Made Mama feel good and of course they liked Mamas bread. Yep! That is the way I was taught over the years. My indignation over that incidence is still fresh in my mind though now that I'm thinking about it. I think Mama hoped that the woman would learn from it and that is my hope too. She is gone now. I hope she is in Heaven with my Mama. Mama can teach her a lot. YEP!!!!!

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