Saturday, October 17, 2009



I was in the kitchen trying to get my dishes loaded in the dishwasher after dinner today. My dog Moses always comes in there and rattles his food dish everytime he finds me busy. Rattle, Rattle, Thump, Thump. Wait a minute Moses can't you see I'm busy. Oh yes I talk to my dog. He understands me perfectly too, just don't listen very well.
I got agravated at him. I slamed a spoon down on the counter, dried my hands, and said Darn you Moses I'm gonna' get your food so you'll get out of here and leave me alone.
The dog food sack in in the bottom of the cabinet. I cut the top out and just set it in there for easy access because he always does that.
Well I shoved my hand down in the sack and got hold of something besides dog food. That something else was warm and fuzzy and alive! I shrieked to the top of my lungs and did the watusi the best I could across the kitchen. Thing was I hadn't let go of the warm, fuzzy, live thing in my hand and so far had not even looked at it.
It started to squirm and reminded me it was there. That's when I looked at what I was clutching. I looked in to the little beety eyes of a dang mouse. I shreiked again. Moses started barking furiously and I heard Don gettin' up out of his recliner where he had dozed off. Shreik, watusi, shreik, watusi.
Just as Don came in to the kitchen as fast as his little short legs would carry him, I realized I still had that gag blamed mouse in my hand and I threw it with all my might still shreiking and watusi-ing. Guess where I threw the mouse? You guessed it, Right smack dab in Don's face! YEP! Sure nuff did!!
When I saw what I had done I got a giggle fit. I mean to tell you a rip-roarin' full blown giggle fit! The look on his face just tore me up and I was un-glued.
Don didn't think it was one little bit funny and he told me so. Moses was dancing round' us barking and I couldn't quit giggling.
After it all settled down a bit the mouse was long gone. I got me a piece of nylon string and secured the top of the bag. No more mice are gettin' in there I'll tell you for sure. When I get to town I'll buy a can with a lid to keep the food in.

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