Monday, January 25, 2010



You can call me a senior citizen if you'd like. I'll even be glad to take all your senior discounts and anything else that comes with the honor. But honey just remember, I aint so old that I can't spot a phoney or someone trying to take advantage of me. You aint' a gonna rip this senior off. GOT IT??
Why in the world do these young people think we seniors are a bunch of dummies sitting around drooling and clacking our teeth? We've been there done that and passed it all by. Experience has taught us a thing or two and we've seen more than you may ever see because the world is fast changing. Everyone is becoming like a robot that some big person up in a high rise somewhere has the control. We seniors had to rely on our own good sense, brawn, and grit to get by. We didn't have internet, cell phones or even any phone to make big deals. In fact we used the sweat of our brow and the strength of our backs to get us by. We didn't ask for bail out money. If we made our bed we laid in the cotton picking thing till we could get ourselves out of it.
If it aint broke don't fix it, if it sounds too good to be true, It Is! We learned all this from experience. Why do people think only seniors are gullible to get rich schemes and greedy crooks with their hand out and their pinchers clicking. Honey it is the younger generation who are losing their shirts to these things. They invest in everything that comes along and lose because they are greedy. Guess who they run to for help and advice when they've lost their pants. Yep you got it, They come running to us doddering old fools who are sitting here with our mouth's open and our chairs rocking. Now who is the smart one I ask? If we don't give freely they try to take it by any means at their disposal.
Oh how I wish that the young generation of today had had the chance to experience life where you never locked your doors, your money was in your pocket, and a handshake was a binding contract for any kind of transaction.
We are still in there folks. No one took our brains and locked them away somewhere just because our backs are bent, we can't see as well, can't hear as well, and can't always walk a mile on a treadmill. We walked our miles down dirt roads and through woods a long time ago and that slow pace was more adept to learning how to live.
So don't look at this ol' gal with greed in your heart you just might get grit in your eyes. YEP!!

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