Thursday, May 20, 2010



I'm sitting here this morning pondering on several things. First and foremost is,,, Are you ready for this? Where in the heck did my mind go? Good Grief, somewhere along the way my mind got loose and stayed behind. I know I didn't intentionally lose my mind it just happened. I was going along happy as a Mississippi squirrel minding my own business and somehow left a vital part of my anatomy by the wayside.
It took me a spell to even miss it too. I mean my goodness why would you miss something you didn't ever use, It was old and all rusted out anyway wasn't it?
I probably should have suspected something was amiss when I found my toothpaste in the freezer. Or even when I found my gallon of milk in the cabinets (finally). But I just toodled on about my business like I was Einstein or somebody, blissfully ignorant of my problem.
Every time I'd go in to another room to do something and forget what I went after I just thought, Oh Well It probably wasn't important anyway, What the Heck!
Then there was the day I had an appointment to get a haircut and came to my senses about the time I was getting out of the car at Moses' groomers I started wondering a tad bit.
But when I got out of bed one morning at three AM and proceeded to call my Aunt and wake her up because I thought it was three PM, Well, Then I kinda' sorta' got a clue that something was not right. YEP! Sumpthin' is definitely going on here. And Her asking me “Clydene Where is your mind” finally let the cat outta' the bag. My mind seems to be shrunk up a bit. Or could it be that I might find it someday like I did my toothpaste and milk? Nawww, I think that sucker is gone for good but that's OK, Now I don't have to worry about using it. What a relief!!!!

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