Thursday, September 2, 2010



I'm sure you've all been around a persnickety person or two. One of my Aunts was the worlds worst. She didn't like animals of any kind, She didn't like to come to our house because we weren't prim and proper like she was, She would dissect her food if she did happen to eat with us looking for what I don't know, Before she would sit she would look and swipe like she thought there was vermin on our chairs. I don't think she liked kids at all even her own. I didn't like her much but she was my Daddies sister and we had to tolerate her now and then, especially since we would never go to her house where we weren't proper enough and miserable while there.
We had chickens and Daddy let them out to run a while about dusk and they would go back into roost and be fenced back up. Of course every time the old bag came she stepped in some chicken poop. Someone gave me what was called a fancy feather legged rooster. It had a fluffy top comb all white and lacey and fluffy feathers on it's legs and feet. Very pretty and probably not much good for anything but I had raised it and I loved it. It would fly up and sit on my shoulder for long times. It liked everyone but we had a special bond.
One day the Aunt had seen fit to grace us with her presence for which we were supposed to be eternally grateful . I was outside of course and my rooster was with me. She made a big fuss about me playing with a 'dirty chicken'. Daddy told her not to bother herself with what any of us did and mind her own business. He wasn't fooling with her nonsense.
It bothered me that she didn't like me and I wanted to find something to make her like me. I thought maybe she'd like to see my pretty rooster a little closer so I put Fluffy on my shoulder and in the house I strutted with a big smile on my face. I said before Fluffy liked everyone and he did. When old persnickety saw Fluffy she came unglued. The old hag started screeching and running around like the crazy woman that she was and scared the dickens out of Fluffy. He hadn't ever seen anyone like that so all he knew to do was go on the attack. You know,, Get her before she gets me? He flew off my shoulder and smack dad on hers or I think that was what he intended but he got all tangled up in that birds nest hairdo of hers and down that mop came in her face. She couldn't see but she was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (No not you Fluffy)
Daddy caught Fluffy and handed him to me and said to take him outside. I thought I was in a lot of trouble when I saw the aunt take off to her car and get out of there. When I went back in the house I told Daddy that I didn't mean to scare her I just wanted her to like me. Daddy told me not to bring Fluffy in the house anymore and that was all he said. Sometime after that I found out that Daddy had been upset with his Sister for the way she had treated us all. I don't know what he had said to her but she acted better the next time we saw her. I heard Daddy say one day that he could take it but by golly his kids didn't have to take it and he was not going to put up with it. I didn't really know what he meant then. BUT I Do Now.

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