Wednesday, December 22, 2010



I heard two young Mothers one day talking. It was fascinating to me how things had changed since my Son was a baby. I didn't even recognize a lot of the things they were talking about. One thing I heard though was the same when one of them said in a whiny voice, “Oh how I'd like to be by myself for a while with no kids or a husband to worry about. Never take anything or anyone for granted because you think they will always be there. I cringe and my skin crawls when I hear a Mother say things like that. I always want to say “Oh Honey Please don't say that or wish it”. Wishing and hoping for things you don't really mean or want could come true. One day has a tenancy to turn in to forever.
We all do it at times I know without even thinking about it but simple things like, “I'll be so glad when Christmas is over” even bother me. Is it Christmas they want over or is it what has been made of Christmas. Christmas in my time 60 years ago was simple and sweet, warm and fuzzy. It was a house full of love and understanding. There was no rush to the stores and being rude or dealing with others who are rude. It was families being together, sitting at a table together and feasting on each other not a big gourmet meal or things that are expected though we don't really want or need. We had the opening of gifts Christmas eve night which was not necessarily the Right way' but Our way.
Christmas today for my family is still being together. It is fellowship and visiting. It is my brother and me talking about our childhood and his boys talking about their childhood along with my son Richard. The young ones listen to us and make memories for themselves later on down the line. I buy gifts for my Great Niece and Nephew and no one else. At my age what do I need. I have everything I need unless you can give me a magic pill to give my old body less pain. My gift is being with my family and feeling the love that is flowing around me so sweetly. And that kind of gift doesn't cost anybody anything.

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