Saturday, January 1, 2011



Remembrances brought to my mind,

By a fragrance from long ago,

When as a young child of tender years,

As my memory just started to grow.

Or maybe a sound of a whistle blow,

While a train moved along a track,

A bicycle tire on a gravelly dirt road,

Would all seem to carry me back.

I'd love to see those things once again,

What the years have slowly replaced,

With family and friends from days gone by,

As in my mind they are traced.

I'm glad for sounds of spring in the air,

The look of fresh fallen snow,

Lightning bug's glow on a summer's night,

The colors of autumn's rainbow.

They're all like a friend in a time of need,

Like family just stopping to see,

I'm so glad when they wander by,

The sounds and smells of my memory.

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