Saturday, March 12, 2011



Sitting here every morning and watching the sun rise over the barn never ceases to amaze me. The sky is red this morning and it's going to rain. The rise doesn't take long but that time between the dark of night and the light of day is the most peaceful time of the day or night. I don't like to miss that special time. It's my time. I love the feeling.
It is still winter but soon there will be green grass and buds showing up and the early sunshine will shine down and warm the earth so it can grow. Already trees are budding out. I saw a bunch of Robins in my yard this morning looking for worms. They will stand very still with their head cocked to the side for a few seconds then quick as a cat they sink their bill in to the ground and come back with a worm. I used to think they were looking for a worm but my Grandpa told me once that they were listening for it. Whatever they are doing they are experts at catching worms.
Brenda and I were digging for worms to go fishing one day and not getting even one. I happened to notice a bunch of Robins digging up one after another. HMMM! “Hey Brenda why don't we grab the worms that Robin is catching”?. Why Not Indeed!? Of course Brenda agreed and the race was on. We tried to sneak up on the Robins and got close but that Robin got his worm and flew up in a tree. “Brenda give me a boost and I'll climb this tree and get his worm”. Good Grief how stupid can you get.
That wasn't working so we decided we could dig deeper in the pig pen where it was wet. We climbed over the fence and started digging up gobs of worms. We were so occupied that one of the baby piglets came right up to us. I think it must have touched Brenda's arm and she came un-glued. She was back over the fence in a hurry leaving me to face the Old Sow who it seemed was mad at me for being close to it's baby. By Golly now the race was 'Really' on! The pen was long and narrow so I started side ways and grabbed the fence to go over. That old sow was right at my backside snorting and bumping my behind with it's nose. I still don't know how this happened but instead of going over the fence, I went THROUGH the fence. Yep Sure Did!! Brenda was already through the yard gate and safely on the other side. She was yelling “Run Clydene Run”. Heck I didn't need to be told that. I hollered back, “Brenda get that gate open cause I'm coming through”.
The sow was out but Auntie ran her back in which wasn't hard because her babies were in there. Brenda wouldn't come out of the yard so I helped Auntie fix the fence enough so it would hold until Brenda's Daddy got home. We were never even questioned. Auntie thought the sow had got out on her own. At the time we figured What they don't know wont hurt them. It was several years later that we told them our tale. I think they had a hard time believing that I went through the fence. Tee Hee

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