Tuesday, December 2, 2008



I was taught right from wrong by my Parents. And if I messed up I paid for it dearly. Some lessons were not as severe as others and I had to be taught again. But this one was harsh and I Learned the first time. Yep! Never even thought about doing it again for the rest of my life. I will Not steal!!! No Way No How. Not even a penny I find on the ground. I just walk right on by and let someone else learn the hard way.
Somewhere I had seen a pretty gold shiny compact. It opened and there was a mirror to see yourself in. I had never seen anything so pretty in my short life. I wanted one so badly it became an obsession with me. It was bad. I had never wanted much before because I didn't know there was anything else. My mind was fixed on a shiny gold compact. I found out that for a dollar I could have one. Might as well been a million dollars. I knew my Parents couldn't buy me one so I never asked them to. Why worry them with something they couldn't help. I had too much respect for my Parents.
One day a friend of my Mamas from her childhood came to visit her parents. The parents lived about a mile from us. We all got in my Daddies old car and went for a visit. These people had kids about Norman and my ages. We had a great time playing. Soon as we got there I spied a beautiful gold compact lying on a table. Of course I circled in on it right away. Swooped right down and snatched it up in my little grubby hands.
Clydene put that down and leave it alone, my Mama said. Mama's friend Juanita said, Let her see it Lucille, she can't hurt it. So I got to look at that wonderful thing, hold it, examine it. My desire, I wanted that compact. I looked it over good then Mama made me lay it down. But I couldn't get it out of my mind. I wanted it more than anything I had ever wanted in my life.
Sometime during the day I managed to get my hands on it again without anyone seeing me. I took off outside where Norman was playing. Norman, take your shoes off! No Clydene, I don't wanna. Take em off Norman and I'll put them with mine in the car. I never wore shoes but Norman usually kept his on. Anyway I convinced him to take his shoes off. I took his shoes and socks and ran to the car. There I put the compact in one of Norman's socks and stuck it in his shoe and put it under the back seat. WHOOPPEE!!! I got me a compact. YIPEEE!!!
The rest of the day we played, ate, played some more, even took a nap before it was finally time to go home. Several times during the day I had to convince Norman that he didn't need his shoes on.
When we all got in the car and went home we were all very tired. Norman went to sleep and laid down by me in the back sest with his head in my lap. When we got home Mama got out and carried Norman in the house. Daddy opened the door for me and I was ready. Here are our shoes Daddy. I slung them out in the yard and jumped out. The compact and sock fell on the ground by Daddy. I ran and picked it up and exclaimed, OH DADDY LOOKE HERE!!! Juanita's compact. She musta gave it to me!!! YAAA, Look Daddy! Daddy grabbed me by the arm and blistered my fanny, I mean he fired it up. I betcha smoke was a comin' out my britches. Quit Daddy, Help Mama, help. Here came Mama and saw the compact. She didn't say a word but proceeded to blister my butt again. I knew why! Heck fire yes I knew. There was no explanation necessary. I took something that was not mine and I knew better. Yep!! I knew better allright. Guess I just thought I could fool Mama and Daddy. I knew Juanita and her family were leaving for home the next morning and thought I'd get by with it. Shoulda known, did know.
Daddy said, Clydene you swiped that compact and you are going to take it back and tell Juanita you are sorry. Ohh! No!!! Anything but that. Daddy, You take it back. Don't make me go, Please Daddy. Daddy put me back in the car and off we went. I blubbered and sniveled, and begged all the way to no avail. We got there and got out. Carry me Daddy. I'm staying right here Clydene. You knock on the door and give that to Juanita. Tell her what you did and tell her you are sorry. I can see and hear you from here so don't lie. Tell her what you did, and if she wants to spank you I'll stand right here and watch that too. I did it. I was sobbing now till it was a wonder she could understand what I said. She accepted my apology, then she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Later that evening I got hugs from my Parents and was once again assured that they loved me and wanted me to be good and honest. They talked to me a long time and they held me and Norman close. There was always that warm fuzzy feeling at the end of a transgression. But we learned our lessons well. I never have stole again and I never will. THANK YOU MAMA AND DADDY I LOVE YOU!!!

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