Saturday, December 6, 2008



What ever happened to "Have respect for your elders?" This morning it seemed to have flown away somewhere. I went to the local WalMart for some things I needed. It was a mad house which I was expecting. This is such a beautiful time of year. We are supposed to be filled with Peace and Joy and Thankfulness to our Lord. Not so in that store today. In my day we helped anyone who we saw struggling no matter their age. And if they were older we sure did it without even thinking. Now I've been told I am elderly and I didn't like it one little bit because I don't consider myself to be elderly. But there were some in the store this morning who were definitely struggling. They were slow and not as quick thinking. They were just not able to hurry about. I saw so many younger faster people just about mow these dear saints down. Hollered at some to move outta the way. I was looking at some Christmas cards and a young lady just whomped me right in the rear and kept going. I hollered after her "EXCUSE ME" and she just kept going. Then a young boy (looked to be about 11) took hold of my cart and shoved it to the side with me still holding on. His Mom said "BE careful (his name) you are going to hurt yourself." Hurt Himself? What about me? He almost drug me down for heavens sake! My mama would have slapped me up side the head and made me say I'm sorry. But I can take care of myself very well Thank You. It was something else I saw that just curled my toes.
I got checked out and went out the door in to the front entrance. A little lady in one of those chairs with a basket on the front ( that the store supplies for their customers) was right behind me. Her husband was tottering along behind her and holding on to the chair for support. They had a big box in the basket that hung out too far and it hung in the door. The lady started crying and saying, "Oh no, we can't get out" She was really upset and her Husband was just standing there helplessly looking like he would cry too. The line of people standing behind them waiting to get out started sighing loud and rolling their eyes then they proceeded to go to the other door where people were coming in. Bumping carts and griping and being obnoxious. I just was stunned. I parked my cart by the window and went back to help them. I removed the box and sat it aside and helped them to exit the door. Then people started flooding on by and almost knocked the old man down. I looked back inside the store and one of the checkout girls was giggling her head off at the scene. My dander was gettin' up but I kept my cool. I said come on and I'll help you outside. I turned around to get my cart just in time to see a young man taking my purse out and getting ready to go with it. Well let me tell you , my cool was off now. "You stop right there you lowlife and put that back. He looked back at me and started to just go on. Now remember there were people all over the place and they just glanced and went on or stopped to watch. Well this 64 year old, not elderly, woman tackled him and hung on. I was biting and scratching and yelling and finally a woman I knew stopped and helped me. No one came out of the store though I know several saw the whole thing. We got my purse, I slapped the stuffins outta him and Said, You better get your fanny out of here right now or I am going to call the law. See I know the boy and all his family. I feel sorry for him and there is no need to go in to that, but he needs a chance to do better. I was madder than an ol wet hen but I didn't want to put more on him.
I don't know what happened to the old man and woman I had stopped to help but they must have gotten out and went on their way. If they Thanked me I never heard it. But that is OK. I'll sleep well tonight. I helped 3 people on their way and it didn't cost me a thing. My Mama and Daddy would be so prowd of me. I suspect they are in Heaven bragging on me right now. YEP

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