Saturday, May 30, 2009



There are things in our life that we just really don't want to remember. Other things we wish we could remember but somehow have forgotten. Now those things I strive to remember. Some of them I have bits and pieces of them stored somewhere in my mind but just can't seem to bring it all up into proper focus, leaving me wanting more than I can get. That is the way our minds work. It can be frustrating. But then out of the blue someone says something, maybe you get a familiar smell, sometimes a dream, see a color, or see a person from your past and here it all comes flooding into your mind like an instant replay of the event.
I was remembering several things recently after talking with Brenda. One morning it was very cold. I had spent the night at Brenda's. Her Brother Paul was probably about five then. We were gathered around the little heater in the front room. Brenda and I were getting ready for school and Paul was there. We were sitting in front of the fire getting our shoes and socks on and Brenda's cat was there rubbing against us being a nuisance. Paul reached over out of the blue and got hold of the cats tail and proceeded to stick it in the stove. Oh My Heavens what a catastrophe that was!!! That poor cats tail of course caught fire. It screeched and started jumping up. On the way up it's claws were out and we all got some minor scratches. We were lucky we didn't get major damage to our bodies but by The Will Of God we were protected . What happened then was not so lucky though. That poor cat jumped straight up and caught hold of the wall about five feet off the floor. It was running around up there and got the wall paper on fire. Of course we were screaming bloody murder at Paul for doing such a mean thing to that cat. Well heck fire he was five. A five year old doesn't really understand the scope of what was happening and he was watching the cat who was trying to walk on the ceiling by that time. Auntie came out of the kitchen to see what the heck was going on. She ran back and got a bucket of water and tried to throw it up where the paper was on fire. That didn't make much headway all that did was wet us all down so she yelled for one of us to get a broom which one of us did. First she beat out the small area of the wall paper. The cats tail was no longer burning just smoldering and stinking to high heaven. Auntie put the broom up and stuck in at the cats hind legs hoping to get it on the broom. The cat turned around and attacked the broom and she hollered, “Get in the kitchen all of you”, which we quickly did. She brought the broom down slowly and was going to try and check him out but he was having none of that. The cat took off to the kitchen and Auntie hollered “OPEN THE BACK DOOR FAST”. We opened the door. The cat skidded by us and out the door.
Paul got a tanning and Brenda and I got a holiday from school because we missed the bus. No one to take us so that was that.
Later that morning the cat came back to the house and Auntie put something on it's poor tail. Oh My Gosh! Is there any end to what a young mischievous kid can get their selves in to? NOPE! Guess not.

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