Tuesday, June 30, 2009


6-29-09...OUR FIRST 3D MOVIE

Remember those first 3D movies? You know the ones where you had to put these weird looking glasses on and everything jumped out at you it seemed? Now they have HD but we had never seen anything like that. I remember going to the first one that came to the Ozark Theater. We all were very excited. Mama and Daddy usually took us on Saturday nights and they sat outside in the car and waited on us. I suspect they didn't have the money for us all to go. It was 5cents for us and 25 cents for them. Anyway they wanted to see this new fangled thing too so we all went. Brenda Paul Norman and I.
Norman and Paul always sat down on the front row and Brenda and I sat about middle ways down. Mama and Daddy got in the very back. We were threatened to be good and still and quiet or we would all have to leave. There was someone that came down each aisle often with a flashlight and they caught anyone not obeying the rules so we behaved ourselves.
This particular night it was a movie with dinosaurs and big monsters. Of course they looked like they were coming in the seat with you. It was a first for everybody in the building so there was some noise that night but not bad enough to get in trouble.
All at once a loud scream sounded out, “HELP! HELP! It is getting me, HELP!” There was scuffing feet and kids giggling and we knew someone was going to be in trouble and I knew exactly who it was. I got up and hurried back to where Mama and Daddy were sitting to tell them that crazy screaming kid was my Brother Norman. Mama was already getting out of her seat cause she knew the voice as well as I did. Mama said, “Clydene sit down I know who that is”. Daddy said, “Now Lucille that aint Norman”. To which Mama replied, “Clyde I know my kids voice and that is Norman”.
Of course I didn't sit down I followed her down there. There was Norman under his seat kicking and screaming to the top of his lungs. We got there before the lady with the flashlight and it did appear that Norman was stuck under his seat, Which he was!
Mama got him out and was checking him to see if he was hurt. The only problem she could find was his new shoes with the toes almost scuffed out. He wouldn't have got in trouble if it hadn't come out that Norman was just acting silly when he crawled under the seat but He got stuck and thats when the screaming Help started. He was taken outside and tanned then brought back in and made to sit by Mama way in the back. I felt sorry for him and tried to get her to let him sit by me but she wanted him right by her she said so she was sure he would not get into anything else. I started back to my seat and looked down at Norman and he was trying to keep from laughing. He was only six but he knew when he deserved his punishment. Yep We Learned good!!!

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