Thursday, July 2, 2009



I don't rightly know when I started forgetting more, making more messes, or just plain started doing things backwards but it doesn't matter. I'm There! I think that is what makes me remember so well in my past when I didn't do these things. OH BUT DID I?
Last Saturday I was doing my extra grooming that I do when I'm going out somewhere. Shape and paint my fingernails, do my hair, etc. Only thing about that is I'm much slower and tend to forget until the last minute. So late Saturday night I finally got started. First thing I did was spill half a bottle of nail polish in my lap. I stuck the little brush in the bottle and started applying it to my nails. Now guys why in the world did I hang on to the bottle while applying the polish? Heck fire how should I know. I did it and in the process the bottle tipped up and proceeded to pour out in my lap. I didn't even notice that until I started to dip the brush again and saw my pink lap. Well Good grief!!! Just the morning before I shook a bottle of foundation and the lid wasn't on tight so why now nail polish??
Later after my shower I sprayed clorox clean up all in my shower to clean it. As I bent over to scrub the clorox from the top of my shower leaked down in my hair, went all the way to my scalp and started burning.. Oh Good Grief I thought now I'm going to look like a skunk in the morning where that stuff dripped down the middle and bleached my hair. Besides that now I have to re wash my hair tonight and try to get it back in shape.
Now that brings me to what I did when I was about 12 yrs. Old.
I had black curly hair and I wished for blond straight hair. I decided to bleach my hair. Mama said no way so of course I decided I could do it myself. Didn't Mama have a gallon of purex bleach out by the washer? Sure she did! I know by now you know what is coming don't ya'?
I got the bottle of bleach and since it was warm outside I just poured some right out of the bottle over my head. That stuff burned every where it touched. I mean it burned like crazy. Thank God I didn't get any in my eyes because I could see my hands turning red. That is when I started screaming bloody murder. I mean I was screeching out those blood curdling yelps that must have raised the hair on Mamas head. Oh My Gosh I'm ruined I thought. I'm gonna' croak right here deader'n'a'doornail. Flat out croak!!!!
I heard the screen door slam and heard my Mama saying, “What in the world are you doing Clydene, stop that catawallin' and tell me what you have done now”!! Heck fire I was in intense pain and couldn't she see what I had done. I mean it was as plain as the nose on your face. Of course I didn't say that to Mama. Heck No!! Well my Mama indeed saw what I had done and she picked up the first thing she could find, which was a slop jar full of dirty water where I had scrubbed it, and threw it over my head, then dragged me to the tub of water that she had drawn to wash clothes and dunked my head and sloshed it around. I thought sure she was gonna drown me. Next came a quart of tomato juice then a can of pet milk to stop the sting. Then my hair and skin got washed thoroughly with soap and water. Worst bath I ever had in my life. But guess what? It Worked! Yep sure did.!! Mama was so scared that I didn't get a spanking and she watched me all the rest of the day for scalds or worse. I was never allowed to forget it though. Not till my poor Mom got like I am now and forgot things. I never brought it up either. Daddy always said No reason to stir the stew after it spoils. Nope!
By the way I still had curly black hair and I have never had any desire to be a blond again. WHY STIR THE ROTTEN STEW????

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