Thursday, September 24, 2009



Some of you know that I have been having a lot of health problems. Going to Dr a lot, lots of tests and procedures. Well this makes for Bills, Bills, Bills. Yep! I'm sure you've been there, done that many times.
Last year at this time I went on a Retreat for two days and two nights with the ladies from my Church. We went to a Lodge way up in the Ozark Mountains just 10 miles from my home. It is a beautiful place. I could relax in the quiet country side and get Peace, relaxation, and fellowship with friends. It was wonderful!!
The time has come around again for that retreat. I planned on and looked forward to it since last year.
Now back to Bills, bills, bills, pain, pain, pain.!! I knew I couldn't go this year. No. 1 I could not spare the cost. No. 2 I knew I wouldn't be able to even climb the steps up to the Lodge door, especially and carry my luggage. So I gave the idea up even though I was disappointed.
Today a good friend, who is also a neighbor about a mile up the road, came by. Renee had asked a few days ago if I was going and I said I wished I could but I can't go this year. She had asked why and I truthfully told her my reasons. Renee told me today that my dear friends want to pay my fee. I told her that I was touched by that but I didn't want to be a burden and I knew I couldn't even carry my luggage in. No I'd better not try to go and I don't want them to sacrifice their money and time on me. After all it is supposed to be a retreat. Renee looked me in the eyes and said, "Now Dee (that is my nickname that some use) You are being selfish. We want to do this and if you refuse you are taking a Blessing away from us". Oh My Goodness!! The water works started. I bawled like an old cow looking for her calf. My heart just swelled with love for my dear lady friends. She said, "You are going so plan on it".
Will I go? You just better betcha' I'll go. I am the one who is feeling blessed tonight. My heart is overflowing with gratitude and love for my friends.
Friends are a great gift and we should never take that for granted. Next year maybe I can help someone else go. YEP!!!!!

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