Friday, January 29, 2010



Conceit is thinking more highly of yourself & your acompolishments than anyone else does and then trying to push those things or thoughts on everyone. It is not recognizing what others think about you because you think you are above it. I have met a lot of these conceited people. When I was asked just what I considered conceited I looked up the meaning in my Websters dictionary just to be sure and it went along with what I thought it was.

There is someone in my life right now that matches all the definitions of conceited. They never make a mistake and if they do they will never admit it. Telling them of a mistake brings their fangs out. How dare I persume to say they made a mistake. Why That is unheard of.

No one is an Iland or an enity unto themselves. I need all my friends to point out my mistakes and shortcomings in a loving manner. Constructive critism should be accepted and we should be thankful for it. But to attempt to advise a conceited person is like whistling against the wind.

Once upon a time there was a mistake
So silly so small
That no one would even have noticed it

It couldn't bear
To see itself to hear of itself

It invented all manner of things
Just to prove
That it didn't really exist

It invented space
To put its proofs in
And time to keep its proofs
And the world to see its proofs

All it invented
Was not so silly
Nor so small
But was of course mistaken

Could it have been otherwise?TEE HEE How'd You like my poem?

OK I'm through with this soap box. Wanna Borrow it??

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