Thursday, January 28, 2010


1-28-10...Remember Lightening Bugs

called fire flies now I think. Lightening bugs to me.
A lightening bug is a wonder really. A little bug that flies around flashing that light from their tail. They are beautiful aren't they. We didn't have much to do when we were growing up and 'catchin' lightenin' bugs was something that would suffice for one whole evening now and then. When Daddy first pointed them out to me I was very young. I was so facinated with them. I'd go running through the yard with my bare feet at dusk swinging my arms through the lightening bugs. I was in to Cinderella then and I pretended I was a Princess and the bugs were lighting my way. To where I don't know but it was magical.
I don't know when we got the idea to catch them in a jar but indeed we did. Mamma gave Brenda and I a jar and Norman and Paul loved to help big sisters fill their jar. We had asked Mamma several times if we could put a lid on the jar and bring it in. We wanted to sit it beside our bed at night and watch them light up. Mamma was not too fond of that idea. She told us that would be mean because the Lightening bugs wanted to be free and they would die in the jar. We gave every argument we could come up with but Mamma would not budge, it was definitely NO.
Well one night we sneaked a jar of bugs in the house and hid them under the bed till Mamma went to bed. Well of course we did, didn't you know we would??
As soon as Mamma and Daddy were in bed we took the jar out and lay there in the bed watching them. We got a very close look at those bugs. We had punched holes in the lid. The bugs got to acting slugish. I said, “Brenda they can't breathe in there, they're gonna' die”. “Yes they can Clydene”. “No they can't Brenda they are dying. We gotta give them some air”. “How will we do that? Brenda asked. “Well we will just losen the lid a little bit”. Which we proceeded to do. YEP! Trouble with that we both had our hand on the jar and that dang lid went flying to the floor. Clickety, Clack a few times and Mamma said, “What was that? You girls be quiet and go to sleep”. “Oh my gosh Brenda look what you did”. “You did it Clydene, you shouda' left it alone”. Back and forth with this and we weren't even paying attention to the bugs flying out of the upside down jar. Nope, didn't notice that till we heard Mamma say, “What are you two doing in there”. We could tell she was on her way as she spoke. That's when we saw them darn bugs flying all around the room. Just as Mamma came through the door some of them dang bugs flew right by her head. “You Two Better, What in the world is that, Oh my Gosh I told you to never bring those things in the house”. You talk about scrambling around now we were doing it for about the next two hours catching them bugs. Daddy was up, Norman was up, and we were really catching bugs. I got tickled. Oh Good Grief, I got riproarin tickled. Giggle giggle, whopee, hurry up Brenda, giggle giggle. Brenda caught the giggles next, then Norman. GIGGLE GIGGLE!!! Mamma said, “I don't see any thing to giggle about girls, you two are,---GIGGLE GIGGLE GIGGLE. That was Daddy. “Clyde this sure nuff aint--- Giggle giggle giggle. That was Mamma. After she started giggling she was still trying to tell us what for between giggles. Daddy , Norman, Brenda, anmd I couldn't stop. We were having a ball. Finally Mamma gave in to side splittin' giggling too.
Well we were seeing lightening bugs for days to come let me tell you. Mamma said we'd better just get all those things out of the house. So at night I would see a little bug lighting up and up I'd get and chase it down. We all did that for a long time it seemed to me. Every time I caught one I got the giggles again but from then on I laughed alone and Mamma would tell me the laughing was over while trying to hide her smile. What a wonderful Family, Thanks For The Memories!!!

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