Thursday, October 8, 2009


10-7-09...MY CHOICE

I love sunrise. It is the start to a brand new day. Everything including me is fresh and new. Ready to face what the day will bring with a new perspective on what lies ahead. I can use the new day any way I wish. Mistakes of yesterday are no more. They all flew away in my dreams if I am lucky. I don't have to bring all the stupidity of yesterday in to my new day unless I choose to. The fact that sometimes I choose to is my fault. Even if the sun is hidden behind the clouds and the dark sky is red , I can choose to see the beauty in that too. MY CHOISE.
The sunrise brings all things new. It is a quiet time when it seems all the world has grown still and peaceful. I have all I need to make this day great or a disappointment. Again it is MY choice. I can choose to enjoy the Peace and beauty as the sun rises over the horizon or I can close my eyes and refuse to enjoy it. MY Choice.
I have lots of possibilities for today. I am the only one who can see these possibilities to fruition. My Choice
I can let irritations creep in, and sometimes I do, or I can rise above them. My Choice.
I love sunrise so why do I choose sometimes to snub my nose at it and think, “You can't make me like things the way they are. I want more”.
I have a choice to make for my day as that magnificent orb of golden light awakens the earth and gives light to my world fresh and new. My choices are not always right and good but I Choose to make my choices better every sunrise. THAT'S MY CHOICE!!!

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