Sunday, May 10, 2009



Did you ever get up with a dread that you didn't understand? Like you just know something bad is going to happen. Did you ever wake from a dream that you can't remember yet you feel frightened? That is the way I felt this morning when my eyes opened in the early morning. Still dark outside, still mysterious like something is lurking around. I raised up on my elbows to peer into the dimness of the room. Of course there was nothing there but I still wanted to pull the covers over my head and bury back down in the warmth and safety of my bed.Many times as a child these feelings would come on me. All I had to do then was cry out and one of my parents would be there. No one to call out to this morning but I called out anyway. I called out to God who is also always there.I remember falling off my bed as a child and being frightened. One night as I hit the floor and my eyes opened to total darkness I sure didn't have covers to pull over my head. Nothing there but the cold hard floor. I was up in a flash and tore out running through the house. Every step I took I imagined something was nipping at my heels viciously. Now My Daddy used to say that I kicked like a mule. You know backwards. Well I was running and kicking at the same time that night and must have been quiet a sight. I've seen a mule running and kicking and it is a funny sight indeed.Dreams are something that no one has ever really understood. Now some will say they do but I don't believe them.I've had dreams that I remembered vividly when I woke too. Those are indeed scary.A week before my Papa died I dreamed very clearly that I saw Papa floating down the Arkansas river in a red shirt. I just seemed to know in my heart that my Papa was gone. Not alive with us anymore. I was so frantic that I had to see him the next day to be assured he was still with us. He was! But a week later My Papa died. No he didn't die anywhere near the river. He was in a nursing home at the time. But Papa was gone just the same. A premonition? A vision? I don't know but I believe that God was preparing me for Papas death.Then when my Son was 16 and living with his Dad I worried about him so much that it was terrifying. I knew where he was just wasn't stable and safe. One night I awakened screaming. I had seen my Sons funeral. Every detail. I lay there in semi awakeness and lived through that horrible time. I called the next morning and checked on my Son. He was OK, Then. Just a few weeks later I got that dreaded call in the night. My son had been in a wreck and was in the hospital. I got up at midnight and went 300 miles to the hospital. My Son died three days later. He never regained conciousness. I never got to say good by. Again I believe God had prepared me for the most horrible event in my life.I have had many dreams like this. I don't feel they are supernatural or mysterious. dark or foreboding. They are simply Gos preparing us in advance for something that we may not be able to handle if it were an unexpected shock. That is all it can be. Other dreams that we don't remember or ones that are so outeageous to be believed are just not worth exploring now are they

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