Sunday, May 10, 2009



Getting out of bed has become more of a problem to me now that I'm older. I used to hit the floor running. Now just getting my eyes open is a chore. I awake and lay there with my eyes still closed for a while. My aches start right then. I have to flex my arm, leg, and yes even my brain muscles all the time knowing the actual rising up and moving is going to hurt. As I do this I force my eyes to open slowly peering into the room and over to the window. If it is sunshiny I think Oh Heck, It's going to be hot today. If it is cloudy or raining I think, Well heck I can't go out today so might as well lay back down for a spell. f it is cold I think Oh my this bed sure feels warm and comfy. It goes on and on that way for a while. Finally I decide I'd better just get up and be done with it.I Pray and Thank God that He has once again awakened me, I'm alive and I ask Him to guide my steps today and be by my side.Now I finally sit up and slowly swing my feet over the side of the bed. Now comes another struggle because I know I must put my feet on the floor and actually stand. Ohhh, Grunt, Groan, Ouch, My this hurts!Next thing is to get my glasses on my eyes so I can see where I'm going, get my robe on and stumble out to the kitchen. There I will find my coffee already brewed and ready unless I forgot to turn on the timer the night before. I pour my coffee and head to the bathroom. On the way I might run in to a door or two or step on a doggie toy that protests loudly with a squeak. It is then that I realize I have sometime during my trek indeed again closed my eyes to protest having to wake in the first place.I finally get to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face to assist the waking up. Then I dry my glasses after I discover I forgot to take them off before splashing the water on my face. I sit down on the toilet lid because I forgot to raise it.Once more I arise put my teeth in my mouth, run my hands through my hair and go back to the bedroom to retrieve my house slippers that I forgot to put on before. I stand looking lovingly down at the bed and contemplate crawling back in for a short nap. When the wisdom of not doing that finally hits my blurry brain I go on and get a new day started finally. In my younger days I would have already been dressed and about my business by now. GOOD GRIEF!!! Clydene

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