Saturday, October 10, 2009




1. To allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit.
2. To recognize and respect (the rights, beliefs, or practices of others).
3. To put up with; endure
4. Medicine To have tolerance for (a substance or pathogen).
This is the definition of tolerate.

I've tried to learn tolerance and in my life I've had to use tolerance a lot.
No matter what happens today my life will go on unscathed. If I wake in the morning things of today are just water under the bridge never to return. I'll forget what people have said to hurt me and I'll hope that I have said things to make someone feel loved.
You can learn a lot about a person by what and how much they can tolerate, and that no matter how much I am irritated by them I'd probably miss them if they didn't exist.
Daddy said don't always stand outside with your face lifted to the trees just waiting for a bird to come along and deposit right between your eyes. If you do this you are expecting and will get the worst.
I've learned that people who hurt others for no reason have very likely been hurt themselves. But just because I have pain and hurt doesn't give me a right to be a pain!!
I know that I need to look past what others are saying and doing but to look at my own shortcomings.
My Aunt once told someone who was making trouble to sweep off her own doorstep before she criticized others.
Tolerance is a big word. Hard to achieve sometimes but I strive for it daily. I know that I fail and I'm not perfect and I still have a whole bunch to learn.

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