Sunday, August 3, 2008



I used to sing this little dditty' in school while We waited for the bus to take us home. Our little school only had 2 school busses and we needed three. Anyway my group had to wait on the bus to take a 'batch' home then come back for us. A teacher stayed with us and tried to keep us entertained. We did different things and sometimes we were invited to get up and sing, tell a story, ect. I always sang this and the kids loved it. I was wondering if any of you recognise it. I think I learned it from a radio program called "UNCLE JOHNNY" we listened to on the radio. (A batery operated radio. We had no electricity) HERE GOES "THAT CHOCOLATE CAKE WAS HIGHER THAN I COULD EVER REACH. I CLIMBED UP ON MY HIGH CHAIR, TO GET A LITTLE PINCH, THAT OL' HIGH CHAIR WAS JUMPY, IT JUMPED AND DOWN WE GO! I HEAR MY MAMA TALLING' SO I 'DES I 'DOTTA GO. NOW GRANDPA COULD HEAR GOOD AND NOT MUCH COULD HE SEE. BUT I THINK HE SEES MUCH BETTER WHEN HE IS WATCHIN' ME. SOMETIMES I THINK HE 'wuves' ME BUT ONCT' HE ACTED MEAN. WHEN I DROPPED HIS 'CHEW TE BACKY' DOWN IN SOME GASOLINE. chorus WELL I HEAR MY MAMA 'TOMIN' HER TOP IS WEADY TO BLOW. SHE'S BOUND TO BUST MY BOTTOM, SO I DES I DOTTA GO. There may be more but that's all I remember. And I don't know what made me remember that. ANYONE REMEMBER?

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