Sunday, August 3, 2008


6-29-08...WHAT A MORNING

This morning I got out of bed early. I always look forward to Church. I got my coffee and proceeded to the bathroom. So far so good. Just the way I always do it. Well-- that's when it all started. I got my arm hung on the door and dropped my coffee. All over the floor. Well!! That's a fine start. My routine thrown all to whack! OK I clean that up, go get another cup. Going Good Now. HA!! Just what I thought. NO WAY! Have you ever noticed that you set the pace of you day in the first few minutes you are up? I should have seen it coming. Next on my agenda is sitting down here and going straight to The Hill. I walked right up here like I knew what I was doing, and as politely as I could, I reached over and "SHUT DOWN MY COMPUTER!" Now wasn't that cute'? I turn it back on and said "SELF GO TAKE YOUR SHOWER WHILE THE PC IS BOOTING UP AND LOADING" OK! I step in the shower, turn the water on, and WHOOSH' Water all over my head. If I've told that Man once I've told him a million times, "MAKE SURE THAT LITTLE DINGY GOES BACK DOWN WHEN YOU TURN THE WATER OFF" Well, Now my hair is all wet. I washed it last night and it was already fixed. If you have natural curly hair you know what I am talking about. "OH NO! I'm gonna' look like Phyllis Diller. What to do, What to do. If you have or know about natural curly hair then you know that was quiet a job. I was thinking right about then. WHAT I SHOULD DO IS MARCH RIGHT IN THERE WHERE MY HUSBAND IS STILL SLEEPING AND THROW A BUCKET OF WATER ON HIM! (Thank you God for making me see the wisdom of not doing that.) Anyway, That has to be all that will happen. I got up early and still have some time. RIGHT? WRONG!! I got out of the shower, fixed my hair the best I could, and remembered I still hadn't had my first relaxing cup of coffee. ok SO LETS JUST START THIS DAY OVER. Got my coffee and saw my little Poodle Moses with his legs crossed and remembered I hadn't taken him out for his morning adulations yet. OK Here we go, I'll take my coffee with me. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS? I hung my arm on the outside door AAAANNNNDDDD, You guessed it, I dropped and broke my favorite coffee mug and spilled my coffee again. "NOW WHAT WILL I DO? I whinned. I can't drink coffee without that cup, DON'T YA' KNOW? I got Moses out and came back in, I still haven't had my first cup of coffee and I'm gettin' grumpy now! It would take me a long time to go through all the ways I spilled my coffee this morning but I'll just say I spilled the pot dry and had to make another pot of coffee. Well I'm running short of time now for sure si I'd better get going. I fixed my face, got dressed, and was ready to go,(still hadn't had a cup of coffee but no time now. I gotta' go. Gathered up my Bible my purse found my keys and Here I go. Got in the car looked down aaannnddd--- Well You stupid idiot!!! You've got your old houseshoes on. Get back in that house right now and get your stupid shoes, STUPID!!! I am late now and I hate walking in to Church late. I always sit on the left aisle, third row. I'll have to walk all the way up there with everyone knowing I'm late. You have to remember now, I'm always about the second one in the door. I just hate being late. Then I was thinking, If I'm late and start up the aisle I'll probably trip on something and fall down right in front of everybody, Maybe I'd better sit in the back this morning. NOPE, NO WAY, I've always sat in that pew and I can't change that, and if anyone is in my place, everyone knows that's my place, surely no one will get it. SURELY NOT! That would really do in my routine. I'm finally on my way and I'm not very late, it's gonna' be allright now. I got out on the highway and turn on Praise music on my radio and cruise right along. I'm speeding to be exact. Up ahead I see flashing lights, (NOT BEHIND ME THANK YOU GOD) I see police ambulances and people milling around. A wreck has just happened. People are seriously hurt. I just started Praying. Lord Jesus take care of these people and let them be OK. Then It was just like a voice from Heaven saying. That could have been you. Probably would have been you if You hadn't had so many hang ups this morning. And My Friends The Moral of This story is:::: Everything happens for a reason in God's scheme of things. No chance, no such thing as good luck. It is All In God's Plan. I sure am not grumpy now. And by the way the people in the wreck are OK tonight. I checked. AND I NEVER DID GET MY MORNING COFFEE!!!!! I'm making up for it now.

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