Sunday, August 3, 2008



I'm going to tell you a tale on my Husband Don. I swear if you ever tell him I told you this I'll say you lied like a big fat dog. Don goes to the bathroom a lot during the night. And I swear I think he is asleep while he goes. He doesn't wake up easy. He has gone to sleep and fell off the pot, went in the closet instead of the bathroom, (and if he ever does that again he is a goner) gone out the door and fell off the steps, I could go on and on. But right now I've got this to tell. One night last week he was up and down as usual. Well he had been having trouble with those thingies that you use Preparation H for.(GOT IT) OK. Here is the rest of the story. I have some of that strong pain rub in my drawer just below his drawer and he is not supposed to rummage around my drawer. Well as I said before I think he is asleep when he goes to the bathroom. SOOOOO! I was lying there sleeping peacefully when I was blasted out of my sleep with the loudest scream I believe I've ever heard. Then there was a slammed door and lots of foot stomping coming from the vicinity of the bathroom. Am I gettin' ahead of you? No? I didn't think so. I didn't know what was going on so I jumped (or maybe I fell) out of bed, stumped my toe on the bed rail, or something or other down there. Anyway I took off running. I was planning on running in the opposite direction of the noise. Hey I didn't know what it was. Coulda' been someone comin' to cut my throat. Right? I met Don in the hallway and he was dancing and hoping, and yelping like a hyenna. I said for goodness sake you woke me out of a sound sleep what's wrong with you ( I was saying all this through giggles because you aint seen nothing till you see Don moving fast, just don't happen!!!) IT WAS FUUUNNNYYY! Well he finally told me what happened (as soon as he could get his breath) and I was supposed to stop the giggling and get serious, RIGHT! WRONG. It's just not in me to stop giggling once I get started. NO WAY!! NO HOW!! He would dance a little and I would giggle a lot and that went on even after he got mad as an old wet hen and told me to shut up and do something. I wasn't shuttin' up and I certainly wasn't doin' nothin'. He got himself there He could sure get himself out. He wasn't supposed to be rummagin' around in my drawer anyway. SO THERE!!! I still can't keep a straight face when I think about it and Don still don't think it is one bit funny. It took a long soak in the tub before his face turned back to the normal color. His face was a rainbow of colors before that happened. I had to almost sign my name with my own blood to a contract before he would believe I wouldn't tell it to everyone I see. Well I've only told it to a few dozen people. Not bad HUH? MORAL (IF THERE IS ONE) MAKE SURE YOU ARE AWAKE BEFORE YOU USE PREPARATION H!!! MAYBE I'LL TELL YOU SOME MORE OF THOSE LATE NIGHT BATHROOM ESCAPADES LATER. YEP I WILL!!!

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