Sunday, August 3, 2008



I wrote about my stinker of a cousin Sonny, and how he tormented Brenda and I. Well we got him back and we got him back good. It just didn't seem to help his love of red shiny things a lot. His tormenting just went on to anyone he could torment. And it sure wasn't me, NO SIRE Not me ever again.
As he got older his fixation with those red things just seemed to get worse. When he got his first car at 18 it seemed to only get worse. By then his older sister Mary had an adorable four year old Daughter. She was the first grandchild and since Sonny had been the baby of the family until she came along there was conflict big time and the cow manure HIT THE FAN!!! Sonny was a spoiled brat all his life but little Lucinda moved in on his turf. Sonny pestered that poor little thing to death. I thought someone should just put the big baby out of his misery. Hey I'll even help do the job guys!! I have a few more tricks up my sleeve. Hey! Anybody listenin' to me? I'll even supply the bullets. (or maybe this time we'll get pig manure. It smells worse and a pig is more his style). Sonny had a shiny red old chevy of some kind and it was his pride and joy. The little spoiled brat!!! Well little Lucinda (even if shewas only four) had picked up how Sonny doted on that car. She must have inherited that from me. DON'T YA THINK? One day she was so mad at him that she was outside in the yard and Sonny was gettin' what for inside from eveybody. Oh how I wish I could have been there. I still just drool at the mouth thinking about it. Little four yr. old Lucinda got his smart elec, goat faced, diginity just where it hurt him most. I'm still jealous that a four year old was better at the job that I was at seven. First she got rocks and dirt and put them all over the car anywhere she could reach. And Hey she was my little cousin so that was not enough. She took one of the rocks and scrapped it all down one side of the car. Oh My Oh My I am gettin' so excited! It seems that Sonny had either lost or didn't have the gas tank lid. He had a rag or something stuffed in the top of the tank to keep out the dirt and such. Aunt Bonnie had given him the money for a new cap but right now he seemed to be gettin' into all kinds of trouble in the house. Now I don't know if Lucinda knew what she was doing or the seriousness of the act. ( I suspect she did though. (wasn't she my smart little cousin?) She pulled that rag out of the tank and proceeded to fill that hole up with her rocks and dirt. OH YES SHE DID!!! well you cn imagine what theresults of that was. I wasn't really old enough at the time to understand what happened but I can tell you Sonny didn't need to buy a new gas tank lid. In fact as far as I can remember I never saw him drive that car again. YIPEE He finally got what was comin' ti him. SMART ELEC LITTLE CREEP! YOU GO LUCINDA. YOU GO GIRL. You are a tribute to your big cousins.
Sonny is old now in his 80's. He owns a used car lot. He drives a fancy red sports car and he is still just as egotistical as ever. Wonder If Brenda and I and Lucinda outta get together on this?

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