Sunday, August 3, 2008



I was looking out the window this AM from my breakfast and there was a big black crow in a drainage ditch poking around and eating (no telling what) and all at once two Mockingbirds flew down. One got on either side of the crow and started dive bombing him. The crow tried fighting back for a while but that didn't work. Then he started trying to ignore the pesky mockingbirds. Well that didn't work either so that ol' crow just wore himself out trying to avoid them and keep at the task of poking around at the muck below him. I was wondering to myself, Now self why would those Mockingbirds be so presistent in trying to run off that ol' black crow. I don't think they want what that crow is consuming! Finally the crow grew weary enough to fly away and I thought to myself, Now self I'll see what those Mockingbirds were so mad about. Well those two little mockingbirds looked up for a while as if to say, " well we got rid of that sucker! And then they just gracefully flew away also. I still don't really know why the little birds were wanting to chace away that ol' crow but it just made me think. Isn't that just the way I am sometimes. If something or somebody don't look just right to me I just might try to chace whatever it is away. They didn't want what the crow had. They just didn't want the crow to have it either. Then there is another thing I thought about,- If you pester me enough I'll fly away too without knowing why. Sometimes it takes hanging in there and letting the bothersome things not be 'SO DAB BLAMED BOTHERSOME' !!!!!!!!!!

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